WatchGuard AuthPoint - The potential is there however so is need for further improvements
- Only one device allowed to have each token.
- Online token requirement for push notifications adds extra security.
- Very fast authentication.
- Firebox-DB users can't use AuthPoint as second form of authentication e.g., authenticate Firebox-DB users with their local password and then use AuthPoint push notification.
- AuthPoint authentication responses are not bound to a specific authentication request. The correlation between the authentication response and the authentication request is purely time based. Any authentication response for a specific user that is received in a specific time frame since the request was made is accepted as a valid response, even if it belongs to another authentication attempt!!! This does leave room for error and exploits.
- There are no AuthPoint password complexity policies that can be enforced to the AuthPoint users.
- There is no setting for each company to enforce a password reset of all company AuthPoint users every xx days.
- There is really no value that one can put on security!
- Just think of what would happen if there was a breach into the company network...
- There no too much when security is concerned!
- The peace of mind Authpoint has given us is of great value to us!
8- Remote Connections via SSL-VPN
- Connections to our NextCloud installation
- Connections to our internal network via Wi-Fi
- Connection to our internal network via Wi-Fi
- Windows Login via Authpoint
- Integration with Other Systems
- Ease of Use
- Implemented in-house
- At the beginning, when we first deployed Authpoint, the use of an internal radius server was necessary. This gave us a hard time at the initial deployment. This is no longer needed now, so things are much simpler now!
- No Training
- SSL VPN Authentication via Authpoint is very easy and fast as well
- NextCloud Authentication is as easy as it gets if you need MFA!
- It is no possible at all to set a policy to force the users to reset their Authpoint password every xx days.
- It is not possible at all to set a policy the enforce the complexity level of Authpoint passwords
- NextCloud
- Windows Login
- Single Signon
- Just made the upgrade, did not check the version history to see the changes.
- Really looking forward to an option to force users to change their Authpoint password every xx days
- Also would like an option to enforce the password complexity level