respond fast and efficent to all your brands mentions
- I used 12mass to find people loving our brand and found some great responses that yield higher response rates. the search feature (step one) helped me build a stream of people tweeting the same thing. than 12mass remember my responses to each stream and measured the number of clicks, RT's, @reply's on each of my saved response. there is no other tool that provided me the ability to A/B test my responses to optimize them.
- as all of our responses are saved, every day I login in and than just view the streams of mentions, most of them have already a suggested response attached to them and I just send them out. with in few minutes i can interact and respond to more than 120 people.
- I also use the scheduling in advance every one has that but it is an important part. the RSS feature allows me to automatically stream news and our followers are receiving great content
- Should add a Facebook private messages option.
- If my brand wasn't mentioned so much I don't think I would need to use it.
- Sometimes the site is slow.
- Much faster Lead conversions as we were able to find and send the messages that led to higher CTR and higher conversions, it is easier when you know what works and what dosnt.
- my team were able to respond to 10 times faster making each one of them a ninja responder.
- ur fans were happier as they get better responses
- lead generation
- Responding to all our social conversations. talking to all the people sharing an article about us.
- social media customer support
- ur twitter account was able to talk with more than 250 thousand people with only 3 community managers!
- now that they added Facebook's platform we will be able to respond to all our fan page comments
- Product Features
- Don't know
- takes time to learn
- responding to a group of people
- creating a search
- making the search meater go to green