Overall Satisfaction with Zoom
- Zoom is a great online conference meeting software that our clients can join us on via their mobile or desktop computer.
- Particularly useful that you can screen share with others on the call as well as present PowerPoint presentations and demo your mobile screen using the mirroring capabilities.
- If you wanted to record a front-facing video, I love the fact you can change your background to not look like your in the office or at home.
- What is really great is that all meetings or any type of video recording using Zoom is downloadable to your desktop and can be saved on your Zoom account cloud storage.
- It would be great if Zoom had a few basic video editing features for the videos recorded using Zoom.
- When participants are waiting to enter the meeting it would be nice to be able to have waiting music.
- I would love to be able to embed videos recorded via Zoom to my website instead of having to upload it to Vimeo or YouTube.
- Saving time by not having to meet clients face-to-face.
- The combination of all the features has saved us money overall.
- Ability to build relationships with people around the world due to it being online.
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