ZipRecruiter for Quality Applicants
June 20, 2024

ZipRecruiter for Quality Applicants

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ZipRecruiter

We are a 20+ recruiting team and we use Zip heavily for roles where we need more inventory. I am on the IT side so anything from desktop support to a Senior Java Developer. We have other similar platforms but I find that Zip gets me higher quality and less "junk".


  • quality
  • skill match
  • candidates in hard locations


  • more options in skills section
  • easier to exclude visa holders
  • AI suggestion job descriptions
  • better quality
  • less junk profiles
  • versatile in skill set inventory
In the past, I have had profiles with incomplete contact information. In those cases I have opted to use the messaging feature and it has helped me connect with the applicant and get the updated contact information that was missing. It has been flowing and effective.
The way the applications flow through the tool and the versatile inventory, allows me to post a job and then let that work for me in the background while I complete other tasks. Zip is effective and increases the amount of roles I can work at any give time, which in turns increases my numbers.
For most tasks I prefer Zip. I find that the inventory is very well rounded and I will get applicants on most skill sets in most locations. I also appreciate that the applicants generally are a match for the role, where other sites there can be a lot of "junk" profiles that come through that will slow me down as I have to review them.

Do you think ZipRecruiter delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with ZipRecruiter's feature set?


Did ZipRecruiter live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of ZipRecruiter go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy ZipRecruiter again?


I currently have 5+ years of experience working with Zip. I find that it gives me far less "junk" resumes than other similar tools. Overall I find quality candidates that are responsive. For customer service role where I need large volume fast other sites are some times better.

ZipRecruiter Feature Ratings

Applicant Screening
Candidate Communication
Candidate Management
On-Site Promotion Strategies
Resume Database Search
Team Collaboration
Active Recruitment Advertising
Employer Branding Tools


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