TrustRadius Review from a Influencer Marketing Perspective
Updated January 07, 2020

TrustRadius Review from a Influencer Marketing Perspective

Marc Duke | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Vendors

  • Review Management Program
  • TrustQuotes Library
  • TrustQuotes for Web
  • TrustQuotes for Salesforce
  • TrustReport (Product Report)
Criteo has looked at TrustRadius to support one of its key products - Criteo Direct Retargeting, reviews, buyer insight and comparisons are being used across the organisation from sales to product to PR. So anyone from product managers to market intelligence to sales is aware. We have seen that in recent months people looking at customer sat, product development and sales are also looking more closely at the insight generated from the platform. There is a growing interest in the origin of the reviews both in terms of company size and geography to support local initiative and specific campaigns.
Criteo has used the platform in a number of ways:
  1. Generate reviews of its products
  2. Gain an insight into how our products and specific features compare with our key competitors
  3. Understand what users like and more importantly what they don't
  4. Generate a set of reviewers who are happy to support future PR and marketing support
  5. Buyer intent is matched to internal sales efforts
  6. By analysing the issues raised we can compare this to areas of possible future product development


  • Trust quotes
  • Comparatives
  • Buyer Intent


  • No direct lead info is a big negative
  • Setting up categories to analyse trust quotes is horrendous
  • Competitive chart functionality is limited and hard to use
  • Customer review number up
  • Number of trust quotes
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Manage brand reputation
  • Scale customer proof through reviews
  • Identify candidates for case studies & advocacy
  • Create sales enablement content
  • Improve sales efficiency
At present the missing piece is connecting TR and our site so we have little or no visibility on traffic. The quote library is excellent [and] buyer intent is very helpful. To date we have not set hard metrics for ROI (rather a test it and see).
We did not use custom questions due to internal issues. But a colleague has described content as a 'treasure trove' and another as a 'goldmine' (that applies to the negative comments too). The content is better than some sites (TrustPilot) but comparable to others (G2, Peer Insight). What sets TR out from other platforms is a focus on product feature and attributes.
We have not used the custom questions option but understand the value that using custom questions offers at it enables you focus on specific product features or usage cases as well as test specific messages in a way that the standard questions don't offer. It is a really good supplement when compared to undertaking primary market research
  • G2 is better on the lead gen side but not on the depth of reviews but leaving video reviews is good

  • Capterra reviews not as comprehensive nor overall functional
  • Peer Insights better scoring of reviews and a Gartner company
  • TrustRadius not as comprehensive in terms of the reviews left but the platform is much more user-friendly.
It's been really really powerful for me personally to see how peer review really works and can be integrated across an entire business and its value in an integrated influencer marketing programme. It has enabled me to understand the full power of these platforms in terms of user views, competitive comparisons, buyer intent.
Brilliant for detailed product reviews and very good at comparing vendors around specific features/attributes. The quote library is also very powerful independent endorsement. Buyer intent is also very powerful when trying to understand which companies are looking at our product.

Not great on lead generation if you are looking at sourcing prospects. The platform does not offer non-English reviews which for a global company is a drawback. Additionally, the platform is a little light on details of how products used.

Value of Reviews

  • Gather product feedback
We have analysed reviews across all the platforms we have used - Trust Radius, G2, Peer Insight, Capterra and TrustPilot and for all of them have compared the rating, and looked comments and analysed them all by attributes both positive and negative. From this we can then look at how important different attributes are.
  • Internal databases
We have not got to that point yet as the platform has been used in the first instance to see how customers review the platform, due to other internal priority we have not used the reviews in dedicated campaigns. We did try to encourage delegates to leave reviews at events but over time we will expand usage.

TrustRadius for Vendors Support

There is always room for improvement but I have found the team, responsive, courteous, helpful and have always set expectations in dealing with any questions I have.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes, I was sent a brilliant piece of collateral about how to use peer review sites, I could use the collateral to explain the value of TrustRadius to people across the business.

Using TrustRadius for Vendors

4 - Some are from PR, others are from product marketing, others are in sales, while others are in mid-market marketing and others also focus on customer satisfaction and market research work. We also have people who specialise in competitive intelligence who also benefit from the platform.
2 - It helps to know how to use the platform, how to review quotes and assign attributes to sections of the review. It also is useful if you can analyse data and know how embed the charts.
  • Competitive insight
  • Customer insight
  • Customer advocacy
  • Product development
  • Closer integration into salesforce
  • Use of widgets on our website
Always room for improvement and the question is always about ROI.

Evaluating TrustRadius for Vendors and Competitors

  • Vendor Reputation
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
  • Analyst Reports
The comprehensive nature of the platform, the ease in which a review program could be run and how reviews impacts into market analysis reports. This makes the platform really powerful.
I would look more at the lead generation element and more on the web traffic element

Using TrustRadius for Vendors

There is always room for improvement but it did not take too long to get to grips with the platform and the real key is working off reviews that are left, the more reviews the more powerful the platform is. The key is to look at every aspect of the platform and think about the ways in which it can be used internally.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Trust Quote feature
  • Buyer Intent tool
  • Comparative charts
  • Widget feature


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