Miro is a very powerful tool specially for visual thinkers and creatives
June 20, 2024

Miro is a very powerful tool specially for visual thinkers and creatives

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We use Miro to create visual storyboards, we take the storyboards and create stunning animations from it. It serve as a multimedia channel to communicate with my client. There my client gives me visual, textual and multimedia indications and references I can interact with. I have to say that I work with particular clients in the post production and edition of videos.


  • It can host images, screenshots, texts and visual indicators all in one place.
  • It allow collaborative creation, any member of the project can interact and modify the board.
  • Very flexible and "free handy" to create designs, rough storyboards and texts.


  • Maybe more flexibility to create geometric figures
  • A better organization by a Layer system
  • Faster performance when loading a project
  • It helped to accelerate my workflow at least by 50% as a motion designer and video editor.
  • It helped to improve my communication with my clients allowing them to explain in the most understandable way their ideas to me.
  • As an online tool it allowed me to work from anywhere and have quick access to each storyboard from any device.
Miro is one of the key tools we use to communicate the ideas and storyboards of each of the projects I've been working. Is the usual tool we added to our current workflow. It smooth the process of visualization and comprehension of the ideas of each product. Is a very powerful multimedia tool.
Miro gives more freedom when we need to draw ideas, sketch some products and explain our vision. Their multimedia set of tools is very powerful and allow interactivity, communication and collaboration between different teams. As I said before, is a very useful tool for those creative workers and visual thinkers.

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If you need to explain complex ideas and indications to your client, customer or employee, you can use the possibilities and tools of Miro. Specially in the creative field. Also it helps a lot to visualize projects and allow other means of communication beside the barrier language. Very recommended for artists and visual designers.


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