Miro experience for design projects.
June 19, 2024

Miro experience for design projects.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Miro

I frequently use Miro for my creative work, which has been incredibly helpful. Thank you very much. For our projects, we utilize it for foundational research with team members, primarily through desktop research. We also invite clients as guests to share research results and discuss notes from interview surveys. Miro serves as a virtual whiteboard, particularly during hybrid meetings, energizing discussions between in-person and remote participants.

However, there are some issues. The text size on sticky notes can be challenging to adjust and often becomes too small to read, especially in Japanese. I’ve found that adding line breaks can sometimes improve the text size. Additionally, I encounter frequent freezing issues when using the mobile app. For instance, accessing Miro from my iPhone often freezes when trying to add notes during desktop research while on the go.


  • The infinitely expanding canvas allows for smooth collaboration during remote work with multiple participants.
  • The ability to view the history helps to understand the activities of other team members.
  • The flexibility to easily structure individual brainstorming notes.


  • The text size on sticky notes can be difficult to adjust and often becomes too small to read, especially in Japanese.
  • I encounter frequent freezing issues when using the mobile app with my iPhone 12.
  • The cost of renting a project room can sometimes be replaced using Miro. This is especially true when working on creative projects with a highly motivated team that is skilled in using online tools. It feels like a virtual project room where the work content is displayed; each team member completes their assignments in their own time and then shares them during meetings.
I often work remotely with multiple teams, and projects become extremely complicated without Miro. It can even be said that the projects would be challenging to manage without it. One downside of Miro is the significant effort required to reformat content into presentation slides. However, this is not an issue if you initially create slides and then use them in Miro for discussions.
Since over 50% of our projects are conducted remotely, Miro is an essential tool for our team. It is especially indispensable for design projects that involve designers.
  • Notion
The notion is quick and facilitates collaboration easily for organizing information through text. However, Miro is decidedly more advantageous for structuring and organizing information while discussing.

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Miro works exceptionally well for interactions with designers, business professionals, and academics engaged in creative work. However, there have been instances where we had to abandon using it because companies were highly concerned about security and could not get internal approval. We need more proof that the security is reliable. The quantity and quality of information added to Miro often do not improve with people who are not very creative.


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