Simple to use, cost effective and secure
August 02, 2022

Simple to use, cost effective and secure

Jason Phillips | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Password Manager

Overall Satisfaction with LastPass for Business

We use LastPass for Business to help everyone stay up to date on passwords and other pertinent information that needs to be stored securely and updated frequently. It is also easy to share login information with new employees when they come on board. It can be tricky to keep all of this information in one place. This helps keep a central location.


  • Allow for easy access
  • Keep information secured
  • Provide multiple platforms to get to information


  • Better notification system when things change
  • Automated syncing
  • Better Apple watch app
  • Time saving
  • Feeling of security
  • Less stress
If people are not comfortable with apps and browser extensions this could be tough. Otherwise, it is super easy to share apps and then share passwords. Then you can add more information and share it once you have it installed on your phone and browsers on computers.

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The ease of inputting and keeping up with passwords and pertinent information is super easy. Even people not comfortable with these types of apps can feel safe it is secure.
When you are needing a secure place to keep all of your organization's important data this is a great solution. But when employees are not comfortable using browser extensions or apps to keep up with this they may push back. This system can be learned and it is well worth it.


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