Very cool product. Had a big impact.
December 05, 2012

Very cool product. Had a big impact.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Modules Used

  • User Management 360
  • Social Plug-Ins
  • Social Analytics

Overall Satisfaction


  • On the technical side, it has allowed us to replace other weaker modules. It concentrates everything on one single platform.
  • We have reduce loads on servers. Some calls are going to Gigya not our own servers. We don't have to manage all the sign-in process ourselves - it is all managed by Gigya now. We don't have to log comments on our DB because it lives in Gigya.
  • It was very difficult for us to keep up with FB / Twitter / Google+ changes tothe APIs. With Gigya it always works no matter what's going on with APIs. I used to have a couple of guys looking at this every week, now I don't have to do that.
  • All our numbers went up. Comments, sharing polls, social logins - everything dramatically increased. This is very cool.
  • Numbers for referred traffic from social media channels also went up.
  • Client service is excellent. a Gigya project manager works closely with us. he helps us review what we are doing. Gigya helps us with QA and with best practices.


  • Nothing obvious. Some editors and traffickers want a more detailed analytics package. Gigya reports are pretty basic. There is a strong need for more advanced analytics and automated reports.
  • We have talked to Gigya about it, and they are working on it.
  • Social media API changes - don't have to keep up with this.
  • Reduced server loads.
  • Increased referral traffic from social media.
  • Comments increased on all sites.
  • Poll interactions increased.
  • Sharing activities increased.
It does everything we want on the technical side. I can't speak for the business die of the house, but from our point of view, the product is great.

Product Usage

18 - 8 engineers on my team
2 "traffickers" using the product to get statistics and reports.
8 editors using moderation panels
4 - Engineers on my team. Not much support is needed really.
  • We started in summer and now use the platform daily across the business.
  • Initially, we ran a test during the presidential elections: we implemented live streaming media of all election coverage and used Gigya to enable chat blogging on the right hand pane of the screen. This was very successful. Many viewers chatted with each other during the streaming coverage.
  • The main process we support are content sharing from our website, commenting, and some specific implementations with Reactions (online polls) using the API. all of these areas perform much better than they did before. we have far higher rates of social sharing and commenting that we did before.

Evaluation and Selection

We used to use for social sharing and a custom system for commenting.


They helped a lot with the implementation. They would always send examples of implementations we were tying to perform. They were very helpful.This was ll done over the phone or in online meetings.
  • Vendor implemented
  • Implemented in-house


For developer and for traffickers and editors. Online training was detailed and helpful.


Not very much customization for now. Later, we will try to build some new functionality with APIs. Need to figure out what to do exactly. Not clear yet, bit we know that we want to use the APIs extensively. Also, we plan on implementing gamification which will require some customization.


we've had a couple of issues where response time was not as fast as we expected. These were complicated issues, so it's perhaps not that surprising, but they were still a bit slow.
No - Unlimited support is included in the base plan.


Almost perfect. Always some room for improvement, but no real complaints here.



  • Just the website for now.
This is why the product exists!
  • Want to integrate with our mobile apps. We will do this early next year.

Vendor Relationship

Very easy. Gigya is a pretty cool company. All the people we have worked with there have been very knowledgeable and great to work with. We're very happy.
we ran a test during the presidential debate. If results were good we said we would sign a contract. We signed for 2 years which gave us some discounts. We feel like we got a good deal.


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