Gigya good at keeping up with 2nd-tier platforms.
November 12, 2012

Gigya good at keeping up with 2nd-tier platforms.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review

Modules Used

  • User Management 360
  • Social Plug-Ins

Overall Satisfaction


  • It really depends on your business needs. If you are looking for something to very rapidly social enable a website, Gigya is awesome. If you want to do more advanced things, it's less useful. The real advantage is keeping up with changes to the Facebook and Twitter platforms, so that social sign-on and other integration continue to work.
  • We are a massively international company, and have to support a very large number of minor social platforms which are used in other countries but not in the US. For Nike, 80% of our social traffic is from Facebook, 18% from Twitter, and the remaining 2% from second-tier international sites. Gigya is very good at keeping up with all these second-tier platforms so we don't have to.


  • There are some issues in keeping up with Facebook and Twitter changes. Generally, they are on top of changes, but sometimes things break.
  • Facebook friend list is cached in Gigya and the displayed list is 24 hours old. This can be a problem when we really need the most up-to-date list. It's often more expedient for us to go to Facebook directly to be sure we have the latest list.
  • we are a preferred partner of both Facebook and Twitter and, as such, we get sneak previews of changes to these platforms well before Gigya does.
  • There are some issues with token management. Essentially, the problem is that session credentials handled by our Nike app are not compatible with Gigya. This means that every individual user has to have an individual authentication key instead of Nike master key which results in more overhead and calls to the platforms to manage session authentication.
  • The biggest quantifiable value for me has to do with social media platform support. I do not need to hire a developer to handle "second-tier" international social media platforms. Gigya handles that for me.
It's worth it to us to have Gigya support these lower tier platforms. I might conceivably switch to another product that could do this as well and would consider supporting Facebook and Twitter directly in-house.
Gigya is a good product overall. It's great for going from "non-social" to 'highly-social" very rapidly. But as needs become more complex over time, the value starts to decrease a bit.

Product Usage

8 - I and my engineering manager have full administration rights. Three business segment managers have report viewing access. Additionally, some development staff have full access.
1 - Lead QA Engineer
  • The product supports social enablement of our website: Primarily, social sign-on and sharing.

Evaluation and Selection

We did not switch from anything else. We needed to socially enable our website and ecommerce infrastructure in the quickest way possible.
I was not here when the system decision was made. However, I evaluated Janrain at another organization and felt that the product did not have a robust enough feature set.


Customer support is really phenomenal. It could not be better.
Yes - We got premium support as part of our early customer contract. It seems to really make a difference. They are extremely responsive to our issues.


Well-designed user interface with good documentation.


No major problems here. However, there was a recent incident where an internal update at Gigya created huge load on their servers and locked all users out of the system.
There are some latency issues. The 24 hour caching problem mentioned earlier is a problem. Sometimes the Gigya system makes two calls instead of a single call if we go directly to the social platform. For this reason, it's sometimes more efficient to go direct rather than use Gigya.


  • We use Gigya to integrate with a very large number of social media platforms: Apart from FB and Twitter, we talk to Path, RenRen, Wechat, Moxie, Orkut, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo and Zkontaka (a Russian site).
This is the great strength (and primary purpose) of Gigya. They make it easy to talk to all of these platforms.

Vendor Relationship

Easy. They work hard at maintaining the relationship and are very responsive if we ever need anything.
They are willing to negotiate with big-name clients.


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