CSOD is able to make you a Superstar! Exceed your organizations expectation for HR tech experiences.
Updated December 06, 2021

CSOD is able to make you a Superstar! Exceed your organizations expectation for HR tech experiences.

Mark Schroeder | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Cornerstone OnDemand

We use Cornerstone across the entire organization. Initially it replaced an existing LMS (Moodle at the time), since then we have taken on Recruiting, Performance, Succession, and Certifications. We manage / offer both required training as dictated by outside certifying agencies and compliance regulation as well as but content and offer ILT to support of HCM Developments efforts. WE use CSOD to align Dept. and Indi goals around central Corporate goals, as well as launching the fist full company wide review of talent as a succession analysis task.


  • Creating a portal for many HCM functions that can be customized to look and feel like your particular org./org culture.
  • Alignment of goals and work effort.
  • Give employees what they want from curated access to the educational components needed for them to get ahead.
  • Customizable workflows for recruiting and Succession tasks that allow for just about any configuration you can dream up...and use as many as you need by division or department all while still centralizing reporting on global metrics used.
  • Platform Updates, Roadmap, Launch prep - CSOD is the best an getting you what you need to make sure you staying up to day and new updates are easily handled. They are GREAT at this.
  • Peer support for admin NEtworks


  • Direct Client Support have ebbed and flowed over the years. A system of support focused on what the client wants for an experience rather than what CSOD want to deliver would be nice for permanent state of support.
  • Different areas of the platform are developed at different rated, and not all areas are up to the same GUI. From an admin perspective having to navigate between multiple screen GUIs and navigate around obsolete but "still in use by some customers" features can be difficult to know if you should be using a feature or if its on its way out.
  • Permissions / Security Roles - This is very complicated part of the system that needs some better recommendations and default settings with the ability to add templated security roles to the platform by the admin at any time. Pushed by CSOD. I would like to see a library of Security roles like LO, managed the same way.
  • Increased applications by upgrading potential employer interface. OBTAINED. Exceeded desired increase by 140%.
  • Increased participation in learning events / online learning. OBTAINED exceeded initial goal @24 months by 200%.
  • Improved ILT classroom management by decreasing "no shows" at registered events. OBTAINED. Pre CSOD rate ave. 3.3 "no shows" / ILT - dropped to below 1.
CSOD has the easiest to use user interface. If employees do not like to use it it will not be as affective as a tool to manage talent. All modules of CSOD are developed to the same level, in all other platforms I found there was a lacking in one of the areas of the platform that I did not want to have to live with to get the good one.
Just right. Its a little complex but that comes with the territory. I would never say too complex. May be complex for some, but you are rewarded with the kind of flexibility that will make the portal meaningful to users...and that is the key to success. People have to want to use it.

Do you think Cornerstone OnDemand delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Cornerstone OnDemand's feature set?


Did Cornerstone OnDemand live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Cornerstone OnDemand go as expected?


Would you buy Cornerstone OnDemand again?


I separate HR functions into what I call Front of the house and Back of the house. Back of the house is Payroll, Timekeeping, Benefits, Legal Documentation. Everything else in Front of the house. CSOD is the best at everything front of the house. IF it has to do with a persons employment status/relationship with the employer as an entity = Back of the house. If it has anything to do with Employee performance, induction, culture fit, intrinsic motivation, goals desires, drive, potential = you buy CSOD.

Cornerstone OnDemand Feature Ratings

New hire portal
Manager tracking tools
Compliance tracking and reporting
Corporate goal setting
Subordinate goal setting
Individual goal setting
Line-of sight-visibility
Performance tracking
Performance plans
Plan weighting
Manager note taking
Performance improvement plans
Review status tracking
Rater nomination workflow
Review reminders
Workflow restrictions
Not Rated
Multiple review frequency
Create succession plans/pools
Candidate ranking
Candidate search
Candidate development
Job Requisition Management
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Customized Application Form
Resume Management
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Candidate Search
Applicant Tracking
Task Creation and Delegation
Not Rated
Email Templates
User Permissions
Notifications and Alerts
Course authoring
Not Rated
Course catalog or library
Learning content
Mobile friendly
Progress tracking & certifications
Compliance management
Learning administration
Learning reporting & analytics
Social learning

Using Cornerstone OnDemand

900 - It is the entire EE population. Approx. 350 Production employees. 50 Transportation Employees. 500 Office and or Management Employees. We have approx. 90% unique log in rate monthly. We launched the platform as a portal for information as well as training and this helped drive adoption. We also have SSO which breaks down barriers for access.
3 - Initially we had 1 System Admin. This person handled all implementation and config. over the years we have created admins for each functional area. Performance and Succession, Recruiting / Learning Management Systems. So now those folks handle executing day to day admin tasks in their relative areas and we have 1 overall platform config admin. Total of 4.
  • End user Development Goal Administration
  • Maintaining Compliance
  • Applicant Management
  • Event Registration Management
  • How to Guides for other platforms using custom pages and youtube widget.
  • Skills Identificaiton
  • Future Workforce planning
  • Routing compliance materials
There is no greener pasture over the fence. Nothing is perfect, however CSOD in the most usable, configurable, and forward thinking.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Well integrated
Feel confident using
Requires technical support
  • Assigning Training
  • Managing Goals
  • Applicant Interface
  • Review Management with competencies or goals incorporated in the process.
  • Competency Building
Yes - It works well. It puts what people need where they need it with out being too much. Limited ability to enlarge SCORM corses on mobile devices. Not all routines are available in the mobile app. but that may be a good thing.
Yes - Moodle, Epicor,
  • Product Features
Training management and the ability to report on compliance requirements.
I would have a better understanding of internal processes I want to leverage the tool for to look for areas of incongruency.
There are probably easier platforms, but you will trade configurability. Its like the difference between Iphone and Android. iphone is easy ........as long as you want to do what it allows you to. and thats all you get.

Cornerstone OnDemand Implementation

Our consultants took time to understand who we were and remined flexible to customize the consulting approach.
  • Third-party professional services
Yes - LMS, Performance, Recruiting, Succession, Certifications, Content.
Change management was minimal - We aligned need and finale vision and leveraged local management for user adoption. We generated user need for education and then provided easy access to end users for training and support.
  • Internal Processes were not well defined to understand what config would look like.
  • Time - we slowed down on purpose so we took 9 months. but had planned 4 months.
  • Systems thinking capablility in stakeholders

Cornerstone OnDemand Training

This is not applicable.
The client success center and CSOD created Curriculum allowed me to build capability within my internal team where needed.

Configuring Cornerstone OnDemand

Have current processes pre identified and them perform gap analysis, and interview stakeholders based on what they want from the system not what it does.
Some - we have done small customizations to the interface - Very easy, there is a large amount of platform interface customizations available to admins.
No - we have not done any custom code

Cornerstone OnDemand Support

I know it can be expensive but I preferred having a 1:1 relationship with support. Vs 1:Many.
Good followup
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Slow Resolution
Less knowledgeable
No. I think I pay enough for the product. I think it should come with premium support because it is a premium product. and Support is part of that package.
Yes - Super fast. Done well, and actually wrapped up into a global update. This has been a great experience. Bugs are treated quickly which is good and I like. Issues with things that are more specific to individual portals make take longer.
After a quarterly update to the recruiting platform, there was an issue with connections of information between screens. Because we were just launching with the product we were using only the newest workflows that came with the update, while I suspect others had not transitioned yet. I sent the question to central support and followed up immediately with a call as I was training recruiters on the new platform.

Central support was able to log the problem, find me a workaround on the phone, and I was able to continue the training for launch. In the next update to the platform globally, the problem was fixed. Literally from my team's mouth to a change globally with in 1 week. CSOD take their client feedback extremely seriously.

Cornerstone OnDemand Reliability

I have had no problem scaling the platform across various areas of the business.
Sees to be having swimlane downtime more often in the recent years.
Reporting 2.0 often takes a long time compared to custom reports. Error pages for loading is occurring more often than expected. May be internet connection speed on our end.

Integrating Cornerstone OnDemand

Some are easy others seem difficult.
  • HRIS - Ceridian Dayforce
  • Whil
Outbound recruiting data Feed - Very difficult Inbound EE data feed - Extremely easy. Whil - easy
  • MS Teams
  • Adobe Connect
  • File import/export
  • Single Signon
Have experts on the application to be integrated with.

Relationship with Cornerstone OnDemand

There have been a lot of changes to the CSOD client relationship management strategy, it has forced me at times to feel disconnected.
I have had no issues. It is slightly improved.
I do not understand this question.
Really know who you are as an organization and what your needs are.

Upgrading Cornerstone OnDemand

Yes - It always goes smoothly. I have plenty of pre change information and ability to prepare.
  • Application Management
  • Conversion from competencies to Skills
  • Increased SKILLs based functionality
  • More areas of the platform changing to updated UI


  • Jenna Coleman | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hi Mark, thank you for leaving such a comprehensive review! We are happy to be a part of your success and giving your users a great experience. Your ROI numbers are impressive. I completely understand why you prefer the dedicated customer support. Just know that product support is a major focus for us so hopefully you will see decreased resolution times and improved overall support. I loved reading the story about your team's feedback becoming part of the next update. We really do value what our customers have to say. Thank you for being an amazing advocate!

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