and Why You Should Be Using It
September 03, 2019 and Why You Should Be Using It

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with is a fantastic conversation intelligence tool. I use it in an agency setting where the entire organization all uses and supports It is also used specifically within each department. We use this structure to group our teams within The main business problem that is addressing within my organization is to efficiently record and dictate calls. It solves the problem of finding and remembering key information from a variety of calls. It makes it easy to organize and store a large plethora of calls and also makes it easy to search and locate calls that existed in the past.


  • dictates calls very well. It helps to clearly depict what different people on the call are saying. It separates the person by their tone of voice and helps to clearly identify what they are saying. It makes it easy to virtually view and search through the entire recorded conversation.
  • has a great organizational structure for an agency or large organization looking to use this tool company-wide. It stores recordings in an easy-to-locate way. It also lets you organize your users by group and allows the recordings to be stored in each specific group that user is attached to. This makes it extremely easy to store but also locate different calls.
  • Chorus very clearly records a variety of different voices. No matter the location or internet connection, does a fantastic job of clearly recording specific details of what people are saying. Many conversation intelligence tools make it very difficult to clearly read or understand what is being said. makes it easy to understand but also rely on the tool that each call is going to be clear and easy to understand.
  • is a great tool to use for interview purposes, or for people who are working on their conversation skills. With the ability to look back on your calls, Chorus also makes it possible to see who spent the majority of the time talking, and can even track specific users by name. It makes it easy for people looking to improve conversation skills to identify key points in the speech patterns. For those using it for interview purposes, it makes it very easy to reflect back and pick out key points, especially when writing a follow up after the interview.


  • is a very great conversation intelligence tool. The only main con that I have experienced is processing times. Sometimes calls can take up to a few days to process. After reaching out to a helpline this is easy to solve but can be frustrating to deal with.
  • usage is necessary to have reliable WiFi. Without this, it makes it more difficult to connect to any other integrations or your calls themselves.
  • has had a fantastic impact on my time management. It continues to save both me and my organization time in being able to store and find calls with ease. It also makes it very easy to rely on a tool that will consistently work and clearly dictate the calls I am on. It saves a ton of time when wanting to search for calls or key information within each call.
  • has really helped to improve our overall organization. The structure they provide within their tool makes it easy to organize calls by department. It takes the pain away of manually having to organize each call by their specific category. It allows you to assign groups to users and directly store their calls within their specific groups.
  • has been great about reliability for both our organization and our clients. They have instilled a level of trust that our calls will be clearly recorded and depended on to dictate and relay back important information regarding the work they have invested in with us.
  • has made it very easy to improve our interview process. With the use of this tool, it makes it very easy to interview individuals in an easy to use format. It makes it easy to review as a follow-up and pull out key information from interviews.
  • Zoom and Zoom both have very similar but different features. The record feature on both is very good but I personally feel that has a better overall system. Our organization continues to use both and has integrated into our Zoom usage. makes it easier to dictate and pull out key information from the calls and recordings where Zoom can be more difficult to operate.
I personally do not use in a sales environment. My "sales" interaction with is that it makes it very easy to review sales calls and hop into their instance to view their recordings. I use in my day to day work purely for their recording features, along with the dictation features. is very well suited for environments that are very interview heavy. It makes it easy to review and pull out key points, and especially when writing follow-up reviews or articles on the interview process. It is great for an agency setting working with clients because you can clearly identify who was on each call in the description. It also makes it easy to identify each speaker by name. Another great scenario for use of people working on conversation skills. It makes it easy to identify who is the dominant speaker as well as speaking patterns.

Evaluating and Competitors Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
My organization has had an issue with processing times of calls. We have many users using this tool at one time and may different recordings happening at once. Some people were experiencing issues with calls taking up to a few days to process and become available for internal review. After reaching out, was very quick and helpful in resolving this issue. They were polite and quick to respond to our issues and requests.
I personally have not had too many major issues with Chorus, but the times that I have reached out to their customer support team I have always received great responses in a very timely manner. Their support team is trained in a very polite way and cares about resolving your issue. They are knowledgeable and helpful and the customer service line does not take long to connect to a real individual.


Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • It is very easy to dictate calls after you have been on them. makes it very easy to visually review what was said in calls.
  • The function of attributing the percentage of speaking time to each speaker is very helpful to see who was the dominant person driving the conversation. It helps to identify key people to reach out to and follow up with calls.
  • makes it very easy to have an interview process. The review after the initial interview process with is very simple with great dictation and a clear visual of speaking times. It also has a seamless integration process you can feel confident with.
Chorus has a great user experience. It is very easy to navigate and figure out. You do not need anyone to walk you through the usage and process as it is very easy to determine on your own, even if you are not a technologically savvy person. It is very easy to use in a variety of settings and the organizational structure makes it even easier to navigate.


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