Easy and Friendly to Use
- GlobalMeet is a great way for sharing screens when you are not able to meet in person.
- GlobalMeet has a chat system so that questions can be answered while you are in the meeting.
- When lots of people are on GlobalMeet is tends to disconnect or people have a hard time getting on.
- Sometimes when you are not on a hardwire internet source, the participant has a hard time connecting.
- There is an increased employee efficiency with the employees able to get trainings online instead of heading to corporate for a training.
- Trainings
- Meetings
- Web Conferening
- I think that our organization can use GlobalMeet more for our sales for our product and services.
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Prior Experience with the Product
- Analyst Reports
- Implemented in-house
- There were no significant issues encountered during the implementation phase.
- Self-taught
- The chart function
- Screen sharing
- The login via your phone or on the computer is a little more cumbersome.