Zoho Social - Time Saver, efficient but could use some customization tweaks
July 20, 2020

Zoho Social - Time Saver, efficient but could use some customization tweaks

Christina Campodonico | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zoho Social

I'm using Zoho Social to manage social media accounts for a publication. It makes it easy to schedule posts for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in one fell swoop, which is very helpful for a busy editor like me, who doesn't have much time to create posts for each individual social media platform. Zoho helps me save time and get my magazine's posts out there in an efficient way.


  • Makes it easy to upload images to a post for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Automatically shortens URLs.
  • Makes it easy to schedule posts for multiple platforms.
  • Makes it easy to tag accounts on multiple platforms.


  • A Linkin.bio function for Instagram (one reason why I'll probably only use Zoho for FB and Twitter from now on and use another scheduler for Instagram).
  • I have to upload photos in order for photos to show up on the Facebook posts. Otherwise, no photo shows up on my posts. An automated way of pulling photos from the link/webpage would be great.
  • A way to customize individual posts for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but still be able to write, edit and schedule them in the same window -- all at the same time.
1 - Social Media, Editorial
  • It's saved me time on posting to social media.
  • Integrates well with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Probably one of the more efficient and user-friendly scheduling platforms I've used.
I like Zoho Social because of its ability to integrate with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and how easy it makes it post to all three platforms in one fell swoop. I don't have to log into a bunch of different accounts to do social media, which saves me time. It integrates photos well and automatically shortens URLs. I've also been insights into audience engagement and data, which is nice and not normally available in the free or trial versions of social media schedulers. So it makes me see the impact and worth of our social media.
Zoho Social works well when you need to post to multiple platforms at the same time. But there's not much room for customization. Say you're sharing the same link but on different platforms and your written post for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is similar, but you want to customize the wording or hashtags for each platform. (Or fit the character count for Twitter.) You can't really customize each individual post even though you can schedule a post to run on all three platforms at the same time. I wish there was a way to customize individual posts for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that are using the same link in one window all at the same time, and then schedule the posts at the same time. Otherwise, I have to schedule individual posts for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, if there's slight differences between the posts, which doesn't end up saving me much time. If I want the post to be the same across all three platforms Zoho helps me save time. But if I need to make slight adjustments or customizations for each platform, it's not that much of a time saver.

Zoho Social Feature Ratings

Sentiment analysis
Broad channel coverage
Content planning and scheduling
Audience targeting
Content optimization
Not Rated
Automated routing and prioritization
Not Rated
Customer interaction histories
Not Rated
Not Rated
Lead generation
Not Rated
Content marketing
Not Rated
Not Rated
Not Rated
Campaign success analytics
Not Rated
Competitor analysis
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions & privileges
Not Rated
Mobile access
Not Rated

Using Zoho Social

Very easy to post to multiple platforms at the same time.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Easy to post to multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Easy to schedule posts to multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Easy to integrate photos into multiple posts.
  • Easy to tag accounts across multiple platforms.
  • No customization capabilities between platforms w/o creating new post(s).
  • Doesn't always pull photos from webpage for FB, have to upload photo, would like pulling photos from webpage link to be automated.


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