Overall Satisfaction with WatchGuard Network Security
- Centralized management of the entire WatchGuard infrastructure through Dimension control and reporting.
- Integration of two-factor authentication for both domain and VPN logins.
- WatchGuard technical support has always been a key point in using their devices.
- Collective MSP reporting for clients has always been an issue. A more generalized view of an end-user's activity is often called for by my clients for a given end-user. A report that has the ability to remove "background traffic" like Windows updates. My clients would like to see a report along the lines of "user a was on facebook.com for 88 minutes, Spotify for 90" etc...
- On initial deployment, the free-ware based wireless access points were problematic to the point we threw them away in lieu of another product. To this day, my clients do not want to use/trust WatchGuard wireless AP's. Tying a license to an AP, like Cisco, is why they will never be deployed. The ones in place work, don't need to be reset, and don't have a license tied to them for all of the services offered.
- WatchGuard has always been a positive ROI for us.
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