A great TrustRadius review for TrustRadius!
February 24, 2021

A great TrustRadius review for TrustRadius!

Benjamin Liu | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Vendors

We're using TrustRadius to actively drive reviews and increase awareness of one of our eCommerce/Enterprise products. It's been a fantastic experience working with the TrustRadius team, and the reviews and customer feedback we've been receiving have made a positive impact to our marketing and sales, as well as providing valuable insight to our product management team.

Although we can't directly attribute revenue to TrustRadius, since there are no direct links from trustradius.com to our site or landing pages, our rapid pace up the review search results and growth in pageview share (from near zero to nearly 50% in about 6 months) has coincided with growth in our unattributed product revenue.


  • Detailed product reviews, most are 300 words or more.
  • Custom questions for prospects and us to learn more about how customers use the product and how it's benefitted them.
  • Cons and insights from customers are excellent feedback for the product team on how to evolve the product.
  • Easy to manage, tag, and filter reviews into usable quotes in the web widgets, as well as for us to use in our email marketing.
  • Insights into large accounts researching our products and our competitors.


  • Sometimes it's unclear what's part of our package vs. the next level of offering - instead of sending us to "talk to sales", a page or even popup that shows what's the next level would be nice to see without having to spend time on a sales call.
  • There's a lot to learn during onboarding - tagging was very high level, a cheat sheet with tips would've been very helpful. I didn't realize until after tagging dozens of reviews that there was a better way for tagging for sorting and filtering, and I don't have time to go back and undo everything.
  • There have been a few occasions where our web widgets would go blank and show no data, even though no changes were made to the code or to the widget filters.
  • Increase of high quality customer reviews and feedback.
  • We won a few TrustRadius awards including top 10 Most Loved and Best Customer Support, which was unexpected and is something we're all very proud of - boosted morale, especially in the middle of the pandemic.
  • We don't have any way to directly attribute revenue impact, but based on TrustRadius reporting, we are significantly higher in impressions, page share, and awareness. Our revenues have also increased since we started our relationship with TrustRadius, so it's likely helping.
Overall the quality of reviews has been fantastic. Most average 300 words or more. Some come in very basic, around 150, but I can let our Account manager know, and it'll get sent back to the reviewer to add some more insights and substance to it.

We also get reviews on other platforms, but don't have the control that we do here, and the depth and quality of reviews isn't as solid in general.
Custom questions have been helpful. We ask our customers how our product compares with competitors and what makes our offering better. We also ask some simple customer satisfaction questions like if they're happy with the features, and would they buy again.

These are a combination of helping to sell our prospects, as well as us learning more about our customers, and if there's anything about the product that we can add to our roadmap that needs to be built or improved.
We were in discussions with G2 when TrustRadius popped up on the radar. The TrustRadius story and review quality was more compelling, and getting Enterprise intent data and product feedback sold us. We also looked at Capterra, and a couple smaller review providers, but they were more expensive and offered less.
I've recommended TrustRadius to other marketing colleagues who focus on other products. Their concerns are if enterprise prospects use TrustRadius more, or if they prefer G2, Capterra/Gartner, etc. I don't know the answer to that question, but I'd assume the TrustRadius sales team would have the data to show the demographics of their users.

Our struggle is this product serves millions of consumers and SMB's, while the Enterprise version serves a much smaller number of customers. To collect reviews, we send out thousands of email requests to get a relatively small number of reviews, even with incentives. It's not as easy to do so with Enterprise customers, especially since our sales team does not have direct relationships with end users of the product.


  • Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Ben - thank you so much for your great feedback. It's highly gratifying to hear that you've had such a positive experience with my team and platform. It's also wonderful to hear about your results. There are a few ways to more directly attribute revenue impact: 1. Our free Salesforce.com connector can visually tell you what proportion of your pipeline is engaged on TrustRadius - it's available in the AppExchange. 2. You're currently on our Customer Voice Package. Our Ultimate Package does include both the ability to re-target your audience but also adds a premium profile that does have CTAs from our site to yours. Now unlike a site like Capterra that's hyper optimized for driving external clicks, that's not our primary focus, but interested buyers will click over from our site. 3. Reconciling buyer intent data with your pipeline / closed won deals - sounds like you're doing that today - the Connector automates that process. Your areas for improvement (cons) are also truly helpful and I have shared them with my product team. Ditto for onboarding. We are going to be deploying an LMS soon so this is great feedback from our VP Customer Success Jennifer Griffin. You are correct that enterprise buyers do prefer TrustRadius - mainly because of the quality of our content. About 40-50% of our 1m monthly buyers are from companies >1k employees. Beyond attracting that mid-enterprise audience, we find that our high quality content also drives much higher on-page engagement. The average buyer spends 7 mins 59 seconds on your main review page and 11 mins 52 secs comparing you to Adobe Acrobat, 9 mins 26 comparing you to Foxit Phantom, and interestingly 30 mins 24 secs comparing to your own Paperport product. Vinay Bhagat Founder & CEO, TrustRadius

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