Wondering How To Get the Best Customer Reviews? TrustRadius!
Updated February 01, 2019

Wondering How To Get the Best Customer Reviews? TrustRadius!

Tami Andrews | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Vendors

  • Review Acceleration Program
  • TrustQuotes Library
  • TrustQuotes for Web
  • TrustQuotes for Salesforce
  • TrustProfile (Premium Profile)
  • TrustReport (Product Report)
We use the TrustRadius site for a variety of things. The first being for our Sales team to share reviews with prospects who are seeking a customer reference. Sometimes we pair up a review(s) along with the contact info so the prospect has both options. Additionally, we market the reviews to our prospects and customers as a 3rd party validation site. We have links to the TrustRadius site on a number of our AlienVault pages as well as include links in our demand gen outreach. Other groups such as training, professional services, support and product development also use the TrustRadius site to gather info on our customer base. The main benefit to our prospective customers is that by having the reviews on a 3rd party site such as TrustRadius, they are assured these are totally unbiased and credible.


  • The TrustQuotes are rock solid! Love having the ability to tag and sort within an opportunity in SFDC to find exactly what you're looking for.
  • The search capabilities keep on improving and I am impressed that the TrustRadius team is ALWAYS seeking new and better ways to showcase the materials they gather on the site.
  • It's nice to have the capability to do a quick side-by-side comparison of other vendors in your same space. And to be able to pull the pros and cons from each review is super helpful.


  • I've been asking for this one for two years now: Would LOVE to have a sort feature by region/geo.
  • This is more of a *nit* than anything - before the recent changes on the site, I had the ability to see the number of reviews & ratings but now, they are all clumped together. Would like to have this back if possible.
  • I've had a couple of reviews/ratings that were posted by people who are NOT a customer of ours. Would like to know that there is some way on the backend whereby the customer provides proof (maybe a screen shot of the product dashboard) to show they are a real and valid user. I don't need to see it but think it's something the TrustRadius team should have for those times when a review/rating is questioned.
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Scale customer proof through reviews
  • Third-party validation of marketing claims
  • Identify candidates for case studies & advocacy
  • Reduce or supplement reference requests
  • Increase landing page conversion
  • Create sales enablement content
  • Improve sales efficiency
  • Gather product insights
  • Identify & address customer issues
We've seen a bump in sales consumption quarter over quarter and I'm pushing to get more of that each day. Naturally, would love to have more marketing qualified leads (MQLs) but this is a little ways off until we have sufficient traffic to/from our site to TrustRadius.
The content collected by the TrustRadius team for our reviews is hands down very complete and concise. I like that our customers have the option to self-identify or remain anonymous but the questions remain the same for everyone. This gives the AlienVault teams a great insight into what our customer truly thinks about the product as well as the different orgs at AlienVault (i.e. sales, support, etc.) that we might not otherwise be privy to.
There are a number of other sites out there and we're also partnering with Gartner Peer Insights, IT Central Station and G2 Crowd. What I like most about TrustRadius is the detail that is gathered in each review which is a higher level than any other site I've seen (including Gartner). The TrustRadius site is by far the easiest to use and find what you're looking for very quickly. Some of the other sites, it's like you're on a treasure hunt without a map!

I also like the relationship that I have with the TrustRadius team who is always eager and willing to hear feedback and new ideas from my team.
I've seen a huge increase in reviews quarter-over-quarter as well as year-over-year. One of my performance goals is measured by the increase in reviews and ratings on the TrustRadius site so it's to my benefit to keep the pipeline going for new feedback so that I meet (and hopefully exceed) the goal as set out by my management.
These are best suited for prospect opportunities. Less likely to use for sales opps once they've crossed over into technical win.

TrustRadius for Vendors Support

I consider the TrustRadius team to be my partner vs. a vendor. They are always more than happy to help boost my program wherever and whenever possible. I rely upon the TrustRadius team a great deal to suggest ways to improve utilization and raise visibility to the customer reviews posted on the site. I see the TrustRadius program an an invaluable tool in my customer advocacy program arsenal.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - yes , they always respond and resolve quickly!
Not any particular time because they ALWAYS provide exceptional support! I would be lost with Ryan and Patrick - they are never more than an email or phone call away.

Using TrustRadius for Vendors

20 - Sales, Marketing & Corp Comms
1 - The main skill required is mostly around program management. It takes someone who can manage the content syndication as well as ensuring the data is shared across the different internal organizations so they can consume it.
  • Customer References for Sales
  • Social Media for Corp Comms
  • Lead Gen for Demand Gen
  • Lead Gen Widget
  • Social posting
  • Increased visibility with our prospects
As I mentioned earlier, TrustRadius is a critical part of the AlienVault Customer Advocacy Program and I would not be as successful as I am without it.

Evaluating TrustRadius for Vendors and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
TrustRadius is hands-down the industry leader in the 3rd party review sites. Their dashboard and portal are by far THE easiest to use and understand out of all of the other options out there.
I wouldn't change anything.

TrustRadius for Vendors Implementation

My only key insight is to make sure that you remember the TrustRadius team is your partner, not your enemy! They are there to help ensure the success within your organization and will do everything they can to help you meet your goals.
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - Be 100% open and clear about the needs you have for your own individual program and communicate them to the TrustRadius team. I've never once provided feedback or asked for a change that the TrustRadius team didn't give their sincere consideration. I might not always get the change or request done, but they have never dismissed the request without first investigating it and evaluating it against their program's capabilities.

Using TrustRadius for Vendors

The vendor portal and dashboard is built for non-techies such as myself so it's easy to maneuver and understand.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Dashboard is easy to navigate & use
  • Reports are easy to generate & understand

Integrating TrustRadius for Vendors

TrustRadius is one of THE easiest tools I've personally ever had to integrate into my product/offering stack for customer references. I wish everything was this EASY!!!
  • Salesforce.com
We have embedded a widget with SFDC for our sales team to be able to quickly identify which reviews are most relevant & applicable to a specific sales opportunity. This way, they can share reviews with their prospects even before the prospect has requested a sales reference.
  • Not at the moment but I'm sure now that we're part of AT&T, there will be systems coming that we will need to integrate with in order to ensure the AT&T team has access to the TrustRadius program
I don't know ...
  • File import/export
  • Single Signon
  • Javascript widgets
Nope - there are others out there I'm sure but for now, we use it on a limited basis.
Listen to the TrustRadius team - they know what they are doing and talking about.
Ask Questions! Never be afraid to ask if something can be done because they may just surprise you and make it happen!
If you don't have TrustRadius in your arsenal - WHY NOT? You're missing out on an invaluable resource.

Relationship with TrustRadius

The TrustRadius team is easy to work with and always treats you as an individual. They recognize that every company is different and has specific needs and are always willing to spend the time with you to understand those needs and help you with any internal hurdles you have to cross.
If I could give them a 100, I would do so in a heartbeat! The TrustRadius team treats you the same before the sale as they do after the sale. I've been a customer of theirs for 3+ years and they still treat me as I'm just as valued to them today as they did in the beginning.
Be transparent with them because that is how they will be with you.
I've never had an issue with the TrustRadius team that wasn't quickly resolved either with an email or phone call. My experience has been nothing but pleasant and fruitful. I truly feel like they value my input as much as anyone else's. And without Ryan & Patrick's help, I would not be as successful with my internal clients as I am today. They have always been more than willing to go above and beyond to do whatever they can to help me with my specific needs.


  • Scott Miller | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hi Tami, Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and for being a patient early customer on this journey with us! I'll follow up directly on your standing request about Region / Geo -- to ensure we understand the need clearly (on our main trustradius.com site? within TrustQuotes for Salesforce.com? Either way, as we develop our roadmap, we're conscious of the importance of the need for geography information (especially for categories into which we're expanding) so stay tuned for more here. On the Ratings & Reviews, we've removed that information from the tooltips where it used to be, because it's now included directly in the page beneath (within both the 'Ratings' section and 'Reviews' section). While we're glad to now be giving buyers the 'whole picture' with ratings & reviews (and the option for buyers to ask raters like them to dig in and write a full review!), if we've missed the mark on the clarity we might have more work to to there. Finally, we do take content integrity very seriously, and it's unfortunate that a bad apple or a few slipped through our vetting process. I do know that some sites require screen uploads, but these are easily sourced on the web and spoofed (in addition to creating one more friction element detracting from driving quality content). In fact, we regularly find a higher level of fraudulent reviews on other review sites (we yank them prior to publication but see the same fraudsters living on at competing sites). All of that said, perfection is the standard in the quest for trustworthiness, so one interesting thought might be establishing a set of 'challenge questions' which only a current user of the software could answer (for those not anonymous that could be as simple as a customer number but could be subtler for anonymous reviewers). I'm interested to explore ideas in that area that might be easy but effective in spotting the bad actors. Thanks again for taking the time, and for giving us a 10 despite the occasional shortcomings! Scott Miller Co-Founder and VP Product TrustRadius

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