Troops Review
February 06, 2020

Troops Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Troops

A big benefit of using Troops is the efficiency we get when it comes to leads, deals, and quick links to get to the correct Salesforce record sooner. Troops is very quick with lead distribution, and we are able to receive a lead and contact the correct person in a matter of minutes. We see more connects and conversations happening because of the quickness and handiness of the Troops x Slack integration.


  • Troops does a great job of bringing efficiency to the workplace. I am able to jump right to certain deals and learn details of the deals that are coming in straight from Slack. Getting all that info quickly and all in one place has been crucial for our team.
  • Troops does an awesome job of notifying me when signals are shown in my accounts. It lets me focus my attention on the more important accounts, and helps me find what accounts are in the news.


  • One thing I would like is more customization regarding the notifications I receive. Letting a user make edits to the certain notifications they get could be nice.
  • Troops opens a new tab/browser every time I click on a new lead. It makes things difficult to organize with multiple tabs open.
  • The biggest positive has to be the time put back in my day.
The only technology that does similar stuff is Salesforce. The difference is that it is a lot more of a manual process only using Salesforce. Troops streamline the process; it works on top of Salesforce and brings all the import sales info all to your Slack. I recommend Troops to all teams also using Salesforce.
I gave it a question mark because I personally don't work with their support or have had any problems with Troops than I would have to reach out to support. Given that I haven't had any issues, it is also thought of as a good thing, especially from a user point of view.

Do you think Troops delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Troops's feature set?


Did Troops live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Troops go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Troops again?


Troops is suited for any sales team that utilizes Salesforce and wants a more collaborative sales team. Troops is perfect for any team looking to have more efficiency in their workday. Being able to quickly check deals, get account signals, and get updates on deals and their progress, is a game-changer.


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