Pretty @#$% Awesome
February 22, 2016

Pretty @#$% Awesome

Galen Mosier | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

QlikView Desktop (Free)

Overall Satisfaction with QlikView

We use QlikView to produce a variety of dashboards for the board of trustees, the superintendent, department chiefs and executive management, and employees of certain other departments to assist in monitoring KPIs and other important data quickly, easily, and in ways that have often been difficult or impossible to see before the implementation of QlikView.


  • QlikView, because of the way it stores everything in RAM, is extremely fast.
  • QlikView allows you to explore relationships between data elements that might otherwise be overlooked.
  • It has a very sophisticated, robust programming "language" and allows for virtually unlimited customization.


  • While powerful, the syntax of the commands, particularly with respect to dollar-sign expansion and set analysis, can be exceedingly arcane. I can't even remember right off hand how many different duties the dollar-sign is involved in, but it seems like they could have figured out a way to make it a little less confusing. On the other hand, mastery of set analysis, advanced aggregation, and dollar-sign expansion is what separates the men from the boys.
  • I'd personally like to see a wider variety of built-in chart types.
QlikView is great for the creation of dashboards, but, as is always the case, it has no way of enforcing good design. Study of QlikView should go hand-in-hand with the study of Stephen Few's books on dashboard design and data visualization. For heavy statistical lifting, I think RStudio is a better choice.

QlikView Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Not Rated
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Not Rated
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Not Rated
Report Delivery Scheduling
Not Rated
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Not Rated
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Not Rated
Responsive Design for Web Access


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