Still in love, after 12 years of use!
Updated December 23, 2015

Still in love, after 12 years of use!

Oleg Troyansky | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

from version 5.0 to 11.2

Modules Used

  • Developer, Server, Publisher

Overall Satisfaction with QlikView

When I first started using QlikView 12 years ago, it was a small niche tool that could help you load your data from a variety of sources and build dazzling visualizations in a matter of hours or days. As an Application Director for a mid-size manufacturing company, I deployed my first QlikView dashboard in 3 weeks, with minimal investment, and that first achievement was called a "slam dunk" even by the most skeptical executives. This was in 2002, way before most of the tools and gadgets that we use today, ever existed.

We used QlikView to analyze Sales, and then Profit Margins, and then Excess and Obsolete Inventories, and then transportation costs, and so on and so forth. within 5 years, QlikView become a valuable business tool on every desk in the company.

Since then, the technology world around us had changed a lot - our computers are now using 64-bit operating systems, and a nifty laptop is now more powerful than the most powerful server back in the days. The capabilities of business software had changed as well. Today, QlikView is not a niche tool anymore, it's a flagman tool in the market of Data Discovery (Qlik likes to call the same term Business Discovery). However, the core value remains largely the same:

With QlikView, we can load large amounts of data and build beautiful and insightful visualizations with an unmatched speed. Using the recent advances in technology, we can empower our users to navigate their data in the most liberating and powerful way.

I won't be the first to state that modern companies collect, store and process vast amounts of data. BI tools are trying to help people make sense of that data, and QlikView is by far my favorite tool for this task. We think that we know our business. However, the "million dollar" question is what we don't know about our business? For me and many of my customers, QlikView has become an eye opener, in the way it helped companies realize how much they don't know about their business:

- As a manufacturer, do you know what products are truly profitable and to what extent, considering all the customer programs, allowances, chargebacks etc?

- Do you know what products in your inventory are turning fast and what products are sitting there for years?

- Do you know your true service levels with your customers, and how they are trending in time, and what are the possible reasons might be?

- Do you know if vendor payment terms are consistent across your corporation, or do you lose money on various unfavorable payment terms?

- Do you know how your customers are paying you? Do they comply to your payment terms? Are you paying them chargebacks while they are being late on their commitments?

- Do you know if your employees follow your travel policy, and how much does it cost you when they don't?

All of those questions have one thing in common - if you don't know the answer, you are likely to be wasting money that could be saved.

When things are getting tough, companies tend to resort to layoffs and tough decisions... With the help of QlikView and advanced business analytics, we can find money in a haystack of data and help companies get better without necessarily laying people off. There is a lot of money wasted in the process, and QlikView is an excellent tool that can help us find it, save it and put it back to work.


  • QlikView is extremely effective in its ETL capability. In comparison to Tableau and other modern tools, QlikView has the best data loading capabilities, making it extremely easy to load data from multiple disjointed data sources and build a cohesive data model that supports your needs.
  • Flexibility. With QlikView, making changes to an existing application is extremely easy. Since we don't need to mess with multi-dimensional cubes, developing and changing data models and visualizations is easy and fast
  • Quick learning curve. It's very easy to get educated and become proficient on QlikView. New developers become productive after just a few days, and then continue learning more advanced techniques while already delivering value to their companies.


  • Deploying and managing QlikView in a huge environment, with many servers, many locations and many users, can be still challenging. The management tools are very good for managing one or a few servers. When the environment needs to scale up by a lot, the management and monitoring tools may not be as efficient.
I worked and played with several BI tools in my careers. Some were easier to learn than others. With QlikView, I instantly fell in love, and I'm still in love after 12 years of using the product. The most common feedback that I get from my users is: "This is the best thing I've ever seen!"
Today I'm consulting on QlikView, so this question doesn't apply to me directly. However, most of my clients are fanatic supporters of QlikView, for its unmatched ease of use and ease of implementation.
  • When I implemented QlikView as a customer, we generated huge ROI with Excess and Obsolete Inventory analysis. QlikView enabled the kind of analysis and the kind of visibility that was never possible before.
QlikView is best when

- you need to load data from multiple sources
- develop actionable dashboards with information aggregated at multiple levels
- help people focus on issues that matter most
- enable Data Discovery by users, with minimal dependency on IT resources.

QlikView is less recommended when:

- loading high-frequency real-time data for real-time reporting

QlikView Feature Ratings

Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)

QlikView Implementation

Using QlikView

QlikView is built in such a way that makes it extremely easy to use - for developers, designers, and users.

QlikView Reliability

QlikView server is very stable, with minimal errors and rare outages.


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