The Outreach Story
January 30, 2018

The Outreach Story

Clay Scollard | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Outreach

I'd say Outreach as a whole is very usable, I only use it at its most basic because we have someone whose job it is to administrate Outreach and create sequences that my sales team follows up on. I can still make quick sequences for specific use cases like following up on inbound content or making sure a specific group of people are getting the same messaging.
Outreach is a tool being used by our sales department. Originally it was only the ADRs (inside sales reps) but it has since been extended to our account executives as well. It addresses the ability to engage with a huge number of people while being able to notice small signs like engagement that really help you round bases in a sale. Knowing who has interacted with an email can really shape the direction of a call to follow up on those. The real selling is done via phone but email plays a huge role.


  • Outreach does a great job of creating tasks for really engaged prospects and making sure you don't miss them.
  • Outreach's sequence builder is really intuitive and makes it easy to create quick, custom outreach if you find a good list.
  • Outreach's Chrome plugins are super useful. With salesforce activity history and Gmail access to the templates, it makes it a breeze to see exactly how you've interacted with someone in the past and strategize how you want to continue contact.


  • Outreach's metrics around emails and calls aren't really that useful. The filters aren't intuitive and it makes it hard to really see where your biggest active times are.
  • Filtering prospects in smart filter view are difficult because you can only use one dimension at a time. It would be more useful if you could say filter by SAL, who Bounced, with this many touches or something similar.
  • Outreach tasks vanish after you complete them and are impossible to find again. in my workflow, I like to continue to change the date on a task until it is completed, but in Outreach, you need to remake the same task over and over until it is completed.
  • Not being able to create priority tasks is irksome sometimes. there are people who you want to speak to first in a sequence because they are high priority, but in Outreach, all tasks are treated the same with no prioritization. having a tool for that would be useful.
  • We have vastly increased our reach in terms of name recognition by creating huge email blasts that target people in our market
  • By creating and saving templates, outreach has made it easy to keep consistent messaging across the board and saves time to boot
  • Outreach snippets make it so easy to share links to our content that we've been getting more meetings because we can provide great examples
I have used ToutApp before using Outreach at a different company. The UI for Outreach is more complex but is also more full of features so that makes sense. Integrations are really what makes the difference in my mind, the Gmail and Salesforce integrations are so useful to me. I would pick Outreach every time just for those two features.
  • Outreach is well suited to finding a list of people, quickly creating customized sequences to cater to that list, and enact that sequence with positive tracking and task building.
  • Outreach is not well suited to a scenario where you have multiple lists and sequences at once, and one of them is performing better. Finding those tasks to complete first is difficult and manual contact is easier.


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