OneDrive - Almost there.....
December 12, 2018

OneDrive - Almost there.....

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with OneDrive

Being a Microsoft shop, the integration of OneDrive into the OS has been a boon to users. We have leveraged this integration by configuring the service to include the users desktop and documents folders to provide a seamless "cloud backup" of their important files. Through this, users always have access to their most important documents regardless of the device being used.


  • Simple user interface. Used in conjunction with the Windows OS, users simply need to know how to place a file in a folder and not have to deal with a complicated client.
  • Easily noticeable visual cues regarding the status of a document sync to the cloud drive.
  • Full Integration into other Microsoft products , e.g Office.
  • The web interface provides a familiar look to people accustomed to using Windows devices and an easy interface to learn for those who are not.


  • Better integration into other Operating Systems, e.g OSX and Linux. While a client can integrate with these, the experience is not as seamless as that in Windows.
  • Better image tools allowing online processing of pictures.
  • The ability to stream music from the service.
  • OneDrive has made device replacement faster as users no longer have many files stored locally.
  • Increase in productivity as users are now able to work from anywhere on practically any device they choose.
  • Decrease in downtime as users are no longer hampered by a faulty device. They can simply switch to another device and continue working.
While other cloud storage services exist, some with better compatibility to other Operating Systems, the integration of OneDrive has proven to be its winning feature. Organizations that use Microsoft products heavily would find it a valuable asset, with its familiar interface and plethora of features online. Users don't see it as something additional to learn but as an extension of a product they are already familiar with.
Working on the go has become the norm and OneDrive provides a valuable tool for individuals who need to be constantly on the move but may not want to carry a laptop with them that has the ability to share and edit documents from multiple devices. OneDrive has the capacity to enhance the productivity of either an individual or team. With online Office tools, users are no longer bound by their device and are free to work at home or at the beach.

OneDrive Feature Ratings

Video files
Audio files
Document collaboration
Access control
File search
Device sync
User and role management
File organization
Device management
Storage Reports

Using OneDrive

Users vary from general staff to managerial positions, with sales staff thrown in as well. As such, usage varies based on on staff functions follows:
1. For general staff the service is mainly used in as an online cloud backup for work related files. This allows staff to work on documents on their workstation without having to worry about uploading to a file server until they are ready to do so.
2. For managerial the above applies along with the ability to use the online features of document manipulation to work wherever and when ever they choose
3. For sales staff a combination of the previously mentioned features as well as some clever implementation to reduce downtime when replacing devices.
10 - For effective support, staff trained in the support of general computer use and repair with knowledge of how cloud storage works are an asset. Such technicians should have a minimum 1-2 years OS support as special configurations with one drive require support personnel be familiar with how OS configuration is done.
  • Allowing users to work from any device at anytime, anywhere.
  • Provide a collaborative platform that allows document sharing that works with existing company technologies
  • Real time sync of files and documents to the cloud service allowing the user to seamlessly move between devices
  • Reduce user downtime by syncing a users laptop\pc user folders to the cloud service. Through this, an indirect backup is achieved allowing a new laptop\PC to be issued without have to worry about file backups
  • Possible elimination of laptops\pc's for mobile users in favor of tablets with OneDrive as the primary storage for files.
  • Possible sharing of a single account among, for example, sales personnel and their support staff. Allows real time access to their files as they are uploaded. Of course, the necessary security will need to be in place to prevent documents from being incorrectly shelved.
Due to its tight integration into the Microsoft ecosystem and its bundling into the Office 365 service, continued use of the product is all but guaranteed. Unless there's a shift away from Microsoft, I can see no competing product offering the same ease of use and integrations taking the place of OneDrive


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