NCR Counterpoint -- a complete solution for high volume retailers
January 08, 2019

NCR Counterpoint -- a complete solution for high volume retailers

Vin Campbell | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with NCR Counterpoint

NCR Counterpoint is being used at our current retail location with plans to roll it out at our upcoming second retail location. This system is the Point of Sale system for our retail operations. As with any POS system, the primary business problems it addresses would be being a completely stable portal through which all revenue flows. NCR Counterpoint (CP) has proven itself to be a very stable system based on SQL server (backend database) that works very well in a busy retail atmosphere. Anyone who owns, supports or works for bury retail understands that stability is the key to a POS system. It's got to work or your dead in the water!


  • Offline mode -- your POS server can go down - you can still ring sales. Your internet can go down, and you can still ring sales and accept chip-based credit cards. Wow.
  • Mobile and wireless. Mobile -- you can take your POS on the road and ring sales out in the field, at trade shows or at a flea market booth. Wireless inventory, and order picking - you can walk around the store and ring sales, perform inventory, pick orders, intake items, edit pricing, print labels, etc. Again - Wow.
  • Magento integration -- with the help of a 3rd party connector, we're integrating our CP system tightly with our Magento based website. This keeps us working out of one system with multiple channels.
  • E-Plum scale software integration -- we can update prices and information within our scales with this integration, right out of CP


  • Their wireless solution only works on Android, so they need to get this working better on iOS too.
  • Their mobile solution only works on iOS, so they need to get this working on Android.
  • I'd like to see a built-in scale integration. E-Plum works well, but it's 3rd party.
  • We upgraded from an older POS system - one that really had no place in a busy retail atmosphere - so right there, every dollar spent on a proper system was what you can say - well spent.
  • The feature set of the software solution is very robust, and you get it all - no modular buys here. Whether you use it all is another story, and training can get quite expensive! But out of the box - with install and rollout help form you partner - you get a full on system that gives quite a lot of bang for the buck.
  • The only negative ROI I can see is with the NCR hardware. We went all in through an official partner, and we also went all in on the hardware side of the solution. That said - the NCR name brand hardware is expensive, and therefor will take the longest to recoup. However - being on the full hardware replacement plan means that we'll always have the newest - and guaranteed working - hardware. We'll have to see over time is this proves to be negative or not. So far, after about 2 years solid use - no issues to report on the stations or virtually any of the peripherals.
We interviewed quite a few systems while researching a POS replacement for our current retail store. We had things like a second store, a fully integrated website, accounting system integrations, inventory management, restaurant-style ordering integrations, etc. in mind as we made our way through that process. We also made our way around the area to see what other retailers - similar to us - were using as a POS system. After much deliberation, many demos and conference sales calls, we settled on NCR CP because this system did everything we wanted and so much more. But perhaps the biggest reason why we went with NCR was the local support availability. There's more than one player in that field available in the greater NYC area, and we are very happy with the current support team but we also know that should we want or need to, we can switch support to another team, and have no issues going forward. That was a big part of this decision for sure.
NCR CP is well suited for high volume retailers of any kind. It's also suited for retail chains with multiple brick and mortar stores. With the latest SQL server technology, database synchronization works very well, and this allows a multi-store operation to have all their data available from a hub or from all stores if they choose. That's a great feature for big retailers. The tight Magento platform integration - though expensive to develop - is a huge sell point for anyone looking for a proper online presence that ties in neatly with your backend POS system. One area where NCR CP is not good is for the smaller retailers. I would say anything less than 6 registers and this software/hardware solution would be too expensive to justify and/or recover the investment.


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