MindManager Adds GPS to Your Maps
Overall Satisfaction with MindManager
MindManager is used for brainstorming, info management, tasks and task tracking. MindManager's features of creating templates, especially "themes" and "marker lists" make standardization easy enough. When maps get too 'big' we create a new MM from a branch and link both maps together automatically. The use of filters to see specific info/tasks/branches is done via our well thought out use of "markers" so that all maps big and small are able to be used/filtered in the same manner. We're looking forward to now use dashboards!
Next application for MindManager is that we're creating assets using MM instead of Excel, Lucidchart, MS Project.
Last, I'm quite happy that MindManager has now significant backing for developing this wonderful software!
- Super easy to use; everyone gets the basics and the power behind mind mapping.
- Incredible flexibility to grow/expand on ideas and then to link them.
- Dashboards and Gantt charts are polished.
- MindManager is easy to use for publishing maps to non-users via browsers
- Multi-monitor support...could be my setup here but I struggle with super large maps and I find using a set of linked smaller maps to be less grief than scrolling around a large map but I would highly prefer seeing the bigger picture. That or some hotkeys to improve using a super large map.
- MindManager automatically adjusts the width of topics while typing...they are working on a way to turn that off; the workaround is either manually setting the width individually or using a 'match width' function.
- $400 for the ability to do a project mapped out or hierarchical.
- Ability to lay out all the tasks and Gantt them - included.
- Ability to share maps with anyone with a browser - included.
- Putting all info into a MindMap allows for very quick and intuitive (re)sorting of the information...something that would be much too painful in Word
- As for other 'mindmapping' software, MindManager is the most feature-rich, professional application of the lot
- MindManager goes beyond just mindmapping and allows for actually sorting and using the information much more readily and intuitively than lesser programs
- MindManager is constantly improving the integration between desktop and mobile, user and non-user
- Strategic Planning
- Brainstorming
- Process Mapping
- Education & Training
- Knowledge Management
- Meeting Management
- Problem Solving
- Task and Project Management
- Project Planning
1 to 10
I'll keep it simple: the ability to easily, intuitively add/move topics and tasks around so fluidly isn't possible in Word or Excel. Lesser 'mindmapping' software isn't even considered at this level of professional features.
I've seen the development of MindManager over the past 20 years and am impressed with the support of the new ownership and expansion of features as the software has undergone significant development. This is a professional product. Unfortunately, it's quite far ahead of the adoption of 'mind mapping' as a practice. That said, any person or organization willing to utilize mind mapping to the extent that it can be used will find this software takes care of those needs. To date we are still finding how to become more efficient/effective through MindManager's features...
Do you think MindManager delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with MindManager's feature set?
Did MindManager live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of MindManager go as expected?
Would you buy MindManager again?
Using MindManager
1 -
Currently I'm still the only user (see my previous review) BUT I'm board chair of a charitable organization about to undertake a huge project and my intent is to roll out MindManager for that.
Gosh, with the ease of use, youtube and the great tech support, not required. I will say that I'm a visual-auditory guy so reading through help files isn't as quick/easy as videos. I will say that I rely on the videos/webinars to really get into functionality...something that I recommend new users do asap as there are SO MANY things MindManager has built-in that you really need to see them in action to appreciate them. Easy after that AND most likely you'll get a better idea as to how YOU would want to use the software. And kudos to Corel/Mindjet for fixing bugs and rolling out upgrades.
- Brainstorming and then prioritizing
- Project Management and Tracking
- Knowledge Base - Storage
- Knowledge Base - Dissemination
- Publishing Maps and sending as HTML
- Embedding multiple maps in HTML and sent as one big (non-editable) map
- Integrating Tasks with Outlook is on the docket
- Resource allocation
- Integrating with office and committees
- Custom filtering to dashboards (eg for office, committee, even down to the person level)
Evaluating MindManager and Competitors
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
- Prior Experience with the Product
- Vendor Reputation
- Existing Relationship with the Vendor
- Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
- Analyst Reports
- Third-party Reviews
MindManager is still on top, IMO, as no other products offer anything
close to it (either freestanding or SaaS) and I know this as I just did a
decent due diligence into MindManager vs the competitors from an
unbiased viewpoint.
close to it (either freestanding or SaaS) and I know this as I just did a
decent due diligence into MindManager vs the competitors from an
unbiased viewpoint.
Perhaps present the top 3 options to a user group, but I'll be presenting to the board so not really a change in the evaluation process but the next step.
MindManager Implementation
- Implemented in-house
Yes - We also licensed an Olympic product...so staged installation which got a bit delayed getting the Olympic software to work through TrendMicro AV as work laptops managed by IT department.
Change management was minimal
- None with MindManager
- Some issues getting Olympic product to work with TrendMicro AV but my understanding is that was due to an IT managed platform
MindManager Training
- Online training
- Self-taught
Yes and no. Sure you can plug away but watching a 30-60 min video helped me greatly.
Configuring MindManager
Take the time to consider your information/project classification and methodology!
MindManager can handle anything you throw at it, so don't throw garbage.
Once established, it's super easy to throw down info/brainstorming/etc against either an existing map or create a new one via templates and link it where necessary. That way easy to enter and find whatever you need to do.
Yes - we have customized the interface extensively - See previous. Spend the time to learn tricks via online videos.
No - we have not done any custom code
Nothing done.
MindManager Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
Not too expensive and seems to be working. I believe you get what you're willing to pay for and I prefer annual, flat, inclusive fees.
Haha, when the sales team gave the seat price for charities! We can get a few licenses now and not crimp.
Using MindManager
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Just getting going...no fanfare to start mapping
- Adding formatting
- Printing maps
- Publishing and sharing maps
- Scrolling large maps (but I really could rotate my monitor to portrait mode)
MindManager Reliability
Integrating MindManager
- Microsoft Outlook for tasks
Still 'beta' so rather not comment.
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft Excel
No idea.
Nothing yet.
No integration done.
Relationship with Alludo
Upgrading MindManager
Yes - Easy breezy.
- Publishing and Sharing of maps
- Better ability to scale Snagit attachments
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