Surveys great, email okay, TeamRaiser lame!
October 28, 2016

Surveys great, email okay, TeamRaiser lame!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 2 out of 10
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Modules Used

  • Luminate Online

Overall Satisfaction with Luminate Online

It is being used across the whole organization, but most often by our marketing and development departments. We use it primarily for mass constituent email campaigns, donation forms, surveys to sign up for events, etc., and calendaring of events. We used to use TeamRaiser for an annual walk-a-thon but have just retired that event and are now only using TeamRaiser for year-round Peer-to-Peer for people who want to fundraise for their birthday, etc. However, we have made a strategic decision (at this time, anyway) not to promote this functionality because of how intensive user-support ends up being for TeamRaiser. In other words, we have it available to refer people to, if they ask about it, but because we have experienced terrible ROI with this product, we don't want our development staff spending tons of time uploading photos for people, telling them how to import email addresses, etc. Business problems addressed by email campaigns is pretty simple: Segmentation to communicate with our donors and service users. It works pretty well for that but we've had significant annoyances at times with stationery glitches that Blackbaud was unable to provide a fix for.


  • Surveys work well and are probably the most straight-forward object I've used (out of email, donation forms, TeamRaiser, queries). I really appreciate having the functionality for a user to request contact via a survey and for that to be automatically emailed to a designated staff member. Similarly, I love how you can export survey results for analysis.
  • Queries work well. We haven't used them much yet but are gearing up to do more and see lots of potential.
  • Training and knowledge base can be helpful (though we've only had to use it so much because Blackbaud support is not very responsive).


  • TeamRaiser is one giant con, as far as I'm concerned. It is so clunky and not at all streamlined. I know it very well - have set up functioning teamraisers on my own after years of administering the object, so am confident in saying that 1) The participant center is WAY too complicated 2) There are far too many limitations around formatting pages (having to do with pictures, videos, etc) 3) There are inconsistencies, depending on what browser the user in using (and we shouldn't have to say "I'm sorry, you can't really use this website in IE" 4) Even though it doesn't seem that complex to a tech-savvy person, the importing of email addresses is too difficult for an average user, so we lose the functionality/analysis that that would enable because most people give up and just copy and paste the URL into an email from their regular provider. 5) The WYSIWYG for the landing page is confusing, especially concerning the primary thermometers. 6) We've had consistent problems with major fundraisers not being able to see all their donors in the scroll. Honestly, there are lots of other problems we've encountered that I've documented over the years, but it's been more than a year since I've had to do heavy admin support so these are all I can remember off the top of my head.
  • In email and TeamRaiser, it's really frustrating how there are sometimes secondary left-hand menu options inside the Edit function, that you can only see if you scroll all the way to the bottom. It's easy to waste time looking for the functionality you need, when it's just hiding below the fold.
  • The integration between the events module calendaring and donation form isn't as robust as we would expect. Because we have parent and sub-campaigns set up in our Salesforce LCRM database of record (that synchs with Luminate), we cannot sell tickets to our annual gala on CLO because we are limited to ONE campaign (and it makes most sense, in our Salesforce instance, to have our different ticket/table price points set up as sub-campaigns under one parent campaign for the event). In other words, if we ONLY sold single tickets, we'd be able to have online sales. Since we sell 1) Tickets, 2) Tables, and 3) VIP tables, Luminate has not provided a good workaround that coordinates with our Salesforce instance.
  • Custom report creation is incredibly convoluted. I have used it, successfully, but it takes you through way too many steps. I would use it much more often if the process was streamlined (for instance, you have to verify all the criteria you've just entered before running the report. Whereas, it seems to me you should just run it and, then if you see a problem, revisit the criteria). The page where you can select fields for outputs is completely overwhelming, too. It's not that it doesn't make sense, it's just that the aesthetic of the way it's organized is kind of a disaster.
Only MailChimp and Constant Contact. Both were long enough ago that I don't think a comparison would be valid. More recently, though, I've used the following P2P resources, which far surpass accessibility from a user-standpoint, of TeamRaiser (though I can't speak to the admin side):
-Deposit A Gift
-GoGo Photo

It works pretty well for email campaigns and surveys. It is not very user-friendly for reporting, events, or peer-to-peer fundraising.


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