Great channel for B2B marketers
August 23, 2016

Great channel for B2B marketers

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (LMS) is one of our main lead generation channels. My company primarily uses it for lead generation and brand awareness campaigns. LMS lets us target business professionals based on a number or demographic and work data. It's a great vehicle to drive pipeline as well and our cost per acquisition from LMS compares well with our other channels.


  • Targeting capabilities - Accurate business professional data to target your audience with relevant ads.
  • Sponsored Content - Easy to use interface to create and promote your offers.
  • Great for B2B marketing.


  • Individual level targeting - You can only target by demographic data, no integration with CRM data.
  • Conversion Optimization - No real way to optimize for conversions.
  • A/B testing - Creative testing is a manual process.
  • High Cost Per Clicks
  • Good ROI when looking at pipeline
  • Comparable CPA with other marketing channels
The three main paid social media channels we use are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We use all three for lead generation and brand awareness campaigns. LinkedIn has a more B2B audience that we're after than Facebook and Twitter. On LinkedIn, users are looking for connection updates and industry news. On Facebook users are looking at their friend's pictures and updates and are not in a business mind set.
LinkedIn Marketing Solutions is a great marketing tool for business to business marketing. If B2B marketing is your target audience, LMS will be a good channel to invest in. Be sure to try all the different advertising options available on the platform (Sponsored Content, Text ads, InMail etc.) Pick one that works well for your audience.


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