My Jive Review
July 23, 2018

My Jive Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Jive

Across the whole organisation with a focus on day-to-day operational issues and business planning:
  • lateral comms: coordination within and outside individual teams in the course of delivering their business priorities
  • upward comms: situational awareness for project/program managers and executives
  • downward comms: regular blogs from executives regarding priority setting, business agenda, updates...
  • product/it support of various it tools and software used operationally
  • organising events (conferences, bleacher talks, meetings, forums...)
  • preservation and guarding against erosion of corporate knowledge (decision points, know-how, highlights, lowlights, knowledge base...)


  • easy to quickly assemble a community of interest at various privacy levels (private, secret, open...)
  • easy to get an awareness of what activities others are doing (activity streams, notifications...)
  • integrates well with the existing enterprise it infrastructure (office/outlook connects)


  • Jive's customisation of the TinyMCE editor could use further improvement (e.g. wrt editing tables)
  • Telepresence (i.e. online/away status) for users would be nice, paired with the ability to open a chat session
  • The admin console could use a refresh (we find ourselves fishing/searching for 'that setting to do X...')
  • Developer documentation (esp. creating add-ons) could use some consolidation, clarification and a refresh... we build a lot of add-ons
  • PKI authentication support out of the box would be nice
  • Allowing users to choose how their name is displayed, as opposed to how it is recorded in LDAP. I would say 10-20% of our user base has a preferred or commonly used name (e.g. Dominique (Dom) Collette). Because my name is recorded in LDAP, and because our LDAP is considered an official system of record, owners of LDAP are required to strictly adhere to identities used in official documents (birth certificates, etc...) but many people prefer to be called by some nickname, or by what is considered their middle name on a birth certificate... There are no options to enter a displayed preferred name.
  • Information management: smart rules for the lifecycle/sedimentation of information (e.g. goes from fresh/active, to archived, to destroyed) would be nice. it would personally base those rules on a combination of attributes such as age, 'kinetic activity' (likes, shares, bookmarks, comments, @-mentions...), and then come up with thresholds and strategy for notifying the author (e.g. "Your document X is Y years old and showing a low relevance rating. Would you like to update it? archive it? delete it?...").
  • Project management - task breakdowns, display... we use Atlassian tools a lot (Confluence, JIRA) -- a nice integration/add-on with those tools would score huge points with our user base (e.g. Create JIRA issue from a discussion/document, create Jive discussion from a JIRA issue, a time to display JIRA sprint board, product backlog...)
  • reduce email traffic
  • reduce amount of files/documents scattered & lost across shared drives
  • increased discovery, awareness and interaction of historically more separated individuals & team functions across the organisation
  • from an IT perspective, we've benefited from improved IT operations (e.g. troubleshooting info shared and easily searched/found with all team members - such that even junior team members can solve technical problems outside of business hours, lessening the burden for standby/call-in for more senior team members)
We found that Jive had integrations with the existing IT infrastructure/tools which was nicely aligned with our strategy of playing nice with the existing ecosystem, rather than compete against it. Jive uses a technology stack that is well known by our organisation (java/spring/tomcat/SQL) and has a nice framework for customisations (plugins, add-ons).
Very likely. Jive is great for teams & organisations that are separated by time and/or distance to share information and coordinate effort, planning and thinking. With time spent educating and coaching, it is a much better alternative to email and shared folders. My only concern is that recently there have been signs or at least rumors to the effect that customers need to abide by some minimum threshold for number of accounts, and demonstrate growth potential, or face the risk that licenses won't be renewed. From a business perspective, this doesn't make sense to me because any customer small or large represents revenue, so I'm hoping it is just that: a rumour. I would likely rate it 9 or 10 were it not for this concern (founded or not) that I have for the longer term.

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