Organized Book of Accounts
March 15, 2019

Organized Book of Accounts

Amanda Satre | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Predictive Playbooks

Groupon is using Playbooks to make our work quicker and more efficient. We needed a way to take the busy work out of our day-to-day so we could focus on the bigger picture of sales, and Playbooks is the key to that. Playbooks has changed our daily tasks for the better.


  • Playbooks has helped me complete tasks more efficiently than before by scheduling them for me and reminding me of them quicker.
  • Playbooks has made emailing faster by automatically filling in templates.
  • Playbooks has eliminated having to have a ton of tabs of accounts open at once.


  • I wish Playbooks saved the comments I made when dispositioning calls so I didn't have to always type "DM not in" or "left message w/ GK".
  • I wish Playbooks opened our salesforce view a little quicker when going through accounts.
  • I wish calling multiple numbers on one account was a little smoother.
  • Improved rep efficiency
  • Improved rep productivity
  • Improved rep sales (i.e. contacting DMs quicker)
It is really helpful in getting me to execute my day efficiently and more organized. Playbooks helps me know where I am in my book of accounts and know who to call and email throughout my day. The busy work and guessing is taken away with the ease and efficiency of playbooks.
Playbooks is more efficient than Salesforce in letting me organize my day and know exactly who I need to call and when.
Playbooks is useful when you have an abundance of accounts to handle and need help following a cadence to attack them. If you don't like doing busy work like writing out full emails or setting timed tasks for yourself, Playbooks is great in helping take the guessing out of all of that and doing it for you.

Playbooks may not make sense if you don't have large books of accounts, or if you do not follow a cadence/prefer to have a cadence preset for you.


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