Look no further, Fuze has the features and the price you are looking for!
Updated August 28, 2018

Look no further, Fuze has the features and the price you are looking for!

D. SKye Hodges | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Voice
  • Video
  • Messaging
  • Collaboration

Overall Satisfaction with Fuze

Fuze support has been evolving, we were first able to reach an engineer that could solve the problem immediately, but that sometimes resulted in long hold times. Now they have all calls go to a group where they get answered almost immediately, that team opens the support ticket and most times tries to connect you with a live support engineer. I look forward to them continuing to evolve.
The implementation of Fuze is fairly straightforward, they have 3 options, get new numbers, keep your number and migrate on your port date, or forward your existing numbers to RCF numbers that are just temporary until you are ready to port all your numbers to Fuze. We've used all 3 methods across various sites of ours.
We were tasked with creating a UC infrastructure that would scale with our company's acquisitions. We had very old hardware (Avaya and ShoreTel, Cisco, Nortel, and a few other small PBX devices), we needed something that would deploy fast and unite all our users on a common platform. After evaluating a number of vendors we chose Fuze for it's scalability, price, and common UC Features that we needed across our growing enterprise (we started with 5,000 licenses and are scaling up to 15,000). Fuze is our single point Unified Communications platform.


  • Handing off a call from wifi to the cellular voice/data seamlessly
  • Persistent chat across all your devices
  • Calling features across multiple desktops and mobile devices
  • Desktop Sharing and collaboration


  • Web UI needs to have the ability to make phone calls
  • We did a lot of number forwarding in our old platform, with Fuze sometimes this is cumbersome
  • Better support of SIP/ATA endpoints
Although Avaya offers some cloud-based solutions, they didn't have the features we were looking for in the price-range we were willing to pay. ShoreTel has great features and great pricing, but we would be heavily reliant on hardware at each location or a higher level of network dependence to reach the servers, Cisco was only used at one of our locations and the price and features weren't inline with what we were looking for. In all cases Fuze really hit the sweet-spot for being incredibly feature-rich, easy to deploy anywhere, no hardware needed, works across all our platforms, mobile connected in every way.
Fuze would be my go-to tool for any business, whether 5 employees or 50,000 employees. They unite all your users on a common communication platform that has chat, voice, and video, desktop sharing, voicemail, call flow features, advanced call routing, queueing, and distribution. Fuze is really the choice I'd recommend for anyone.

Fuze Feature Ratings

Hosted PBX
Multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
User templates
Call reports
Directory of employee names
Answering rules
Call recording
Call park
Message alerts
Video conferencing
Audio conferencing
Mobile app for iOS
Mobile app for Android

Using Fuze

15000 - across ALL business functions, from HR to internal support, external customer support, sales, marketing, our receptionists, security, we use Fuze at our warehouse, and across all our mobile workers whether using iPhones, Androids, Mac computers, Windows computers, Linux (even though there isn't a client, there is a web-client that allows you to make and take calls using another PSTN number). Fuze is THE UC choice for our organization.
10 - We have global telephony admins that have worked with various systems, from Avaya to ShoreTel and Cisco. The web management interface of Fuze is very easy to learn, it's a simple task to build and deploy a callflow, along with that end-users can control many aspects of the phone system for their own extension, from forwarding to voicemail, voicemail playback, setting their avatar, chatting within the Fuze environment across the enterprise.
  • Can support calls be routed
  • Can sales calls be received and made and routed properly
  • Can our receptionists perform their job duties with little/no downtime
  • We've been able to stop using other web-collab tools, such as Web-ex, Go To Meeting
  • We've been able to get rid of most the telephony hardware on end-users' desks
  • Users can control where calls go: their desktop, mobile phone, another phone, voicemail, etc, without having to engage IT.
  • When the Web client has calling, our Linux users will have "native" access to Fuze
  • Our company may even be able to run more internal meetings using Fuze
  • We won't be affected by outages caused by hurricanes and natural disasters because the number will route in the cloud rather than be tied to a piece of equipment (which may be underwater) at our various locations.
1,000% will renew. For the price, for the features, for the support, for the implementation, for the ability to deploy to a new site, or a new company acquisitioned that has an older PBX, we can get them to Fuze with so little effort, dump the phones on their desk, and give them all the features and "WOW" that they would expect from a modern enterprise.

Evaluating Fuze and Competitors

Yes - Fuze replaced our "old" telephony infrastructure which was hobbled together across many sites and a TON of ancient telephony equipment. The main services Fuze replaced was Avaya and ShoreTel, we are still not 100% migrated to Fuze and it amazes me how much I have to reboot the ShoreTel equipment. This is something you NEVER have to deal with again with Fuze.
  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
One of the largest factors that we thought would be an issue was price. Our old systems, Avaya: we stopped paying maintenance, it was too expensive; ShoreTel: very cost-effective, but the hardware runs windows so it's a constant "reboot" nightmare. So at the price level we needed, Fuze came in at a relatively low price, especially for the service that they provide, our GoToMeeting licenses were essentially more than Fuze, and with Fuze we purchased the unlimited GLOBAL long-distance feature, so we've cut significant amounts of money from our phone bills (as well as maintenance contracts and such)
Well, there's really not much that could be changed, we evaluated many vendors, we chose the one that had the most to offer for the price. Fuze certainly is feature rich: a ubiquitous experience across multiple devices and platforms; Desktop Collab; Persistent chat across all devices; End-user control of their OWN call routing, the list goes on, it's endless, Fuze has the features at the price that makes it highly sought-after.
  • Unlimited Global Long-distance included (in certain licenses)
  • No phone hardware (in some cases users just use their mobile phone using wifi or cell-data)
  • No more need to separately license desktop sharing software or telephone conferencing plans

Fuze Implementation

  • Implemented in-house
  • Third-party professional services
  • TIBCO professional services
We used a varied implementation to get Fuze rolled-out to our users/sites. Fuze came onsite to some of our locations and did training, setup hardware, setup callflows and end-user configs. We also did some locations on our own, as well has having some sites get another provider to implement Fuze. We are very happy with the roll-out.
Yes - We have 3 phases and are currently in phase 2. Phase one was identifying all the users and end-points, and discussing how to break them up to make the most efficient use of Fuze and its services. Phase 2 is rolling out to the various sites, we are in that phase. Phase 3 is our "acquisition" phase, when we acquire a company getting them onto the Fuze platform and into the global Fuze infrastructure (we are also in this phase with one of our acquisitions).
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - The change-management process is well established in-house. So for most major disturbances we knew well ahead of the time and put in the various communications that needed to be sent to affected users. The toughest part of the process is getting the various telephony providers to relinquish control of our numbers over to Fuze, the process is very simple, we provide the data to Fuze and they pursue the number-port. We are very pleased with how this is going.
  • End-user adoption
  • Going from a desktop phone to a "soft phone" (via a USB headset)
  • Call routing changes because of the features of Fuze (some better, some worse, but just the "different" bits)

Fuze Training

  • Online training
  • In-person training
  • Self-taught
At many of our sites with more than 50 users, Fuze sent someone onsite to train. This worked surprisingly well, as the trainer allowed the users to set the pace and answered TONS of questions. Fuze has a very streamlined training process, their staff is very professional, very knowledgeable and very engaging.
Fuze has vast amounts of training videos and guides on how to use its products and services. There are literally endless-hours of training and I often point end-users to a particular video which addresses the specific needs of the user, for example: how to check voicemail. Or, how to share your desktop, etc.
Out-of the box, Fuze is 100% usable, the interface is intuitive, you know what to click on to make a call, you know where to search for others and how to start a chat, or a meeting, or collaboration. Fuze keeps the same ease-of-use across the Desktop, Moble, and Web clients.

Configuring Fuze

It's a fairly straightforward answer: You can pretty much do anything you want with Fuze. Whether it's getting calls from one point to another, ring-groups, call-queues, call-forwarding, schedules, advanced call flows, decision making, etc. Fuze can do it. And the great thing is that the end-user is empowered with SO MUCH, they can change their call-routing, answer calls on their cellphone or homephone, or do whatever they want, Fuze can do it.
Since Fuze comes pretty much configured "out of the box" there really isn't much to do, for end users setting up and avatar, setting up their audio options, setting up a voicemail, and the one that often gets overlooked, setting Fuze to launch at the start of Windows. Other than that you can configure away til your heart's content.
No - there is no facility to customize the interface
No - we have not done any custom code
We haven't really needed to do anything outside of what the Fuze product already does, so we haven't had to customize any configurations for any of the products, features, or options, in Fuze. Users have requested additional customization features: like having the app startup silently, or changing incoming ringtones or chat tones, etc. They can be changed, but it is a little more advanced.

Fuze Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - It's just the normal support process. Open a ticket, and engineer reviews the information, contacts us (the customer) with any additional needs (log files, screen captures, packet captures, etc), then when the problem is confirmed, they work with product development to ge the problem fixed. Usually Fuze fixes the problem within a couple of days and releases a new "Beta" client that contains the fix.
They are doing that right now! We use a certain Active directory token to login to Fuze, and a number of users had that token changed last week, Fuze received a list of about 400 users where Fuze is going through and updating the user IDs to match the changed AD token. They are super for doing this it is such laborious work, and something they do with a smile, Fuze Support is the BEST!!

Using Fuze

Fuze was built with the end-user in mind. It was built to have a common interface on mobile and desktop. Fuze Web is new, and it also has the exact same interface as the desktop and mobile, and they are still working on the ability to make phone calls from the browser itself, currently it can do meetings just fine. Everything about Fuze was built with the end-user in mind.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Chat
  • Phone calling
  • Desktop Sharing
  • Getting incoming voicemail (since it can be done multiple places, and even emailed and then deleted) some users do it different, so it can be hard to support unless they know what option they picked
  • Desktop Sharing (sometimes a user doesn't understand how simple it is to share the desktop, or that they have to start a meeting first--Hopefully Fuze will come out with the feature that you can go from a phone call to desktop sharing in one click)
  • Fuze across multiple devices: Sometimes one device will ring and another won't, this is difficult to track down.
Yes - The mobile interface is absolutely incredible, not just for incoming and outgoing phone calls, but it can be used for chat (which is persistent and simultaneous across ALL your devices), it can be used for meetings, and you can even watch others that share their desktop, phone calls are a given, but the ability to use Wifi, Mobile Data, Mobile Voice, you can choose which ones to use, and the handoff from one to the other is near-seamless!! It's amazing!

Fuze Reliability

Fuze does have scalability limits but most of that is how many end-points they can put on a virtual PBX, or VCX as they call them, I THINK its limit is somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000, but we've not had issues with that because we have put users into various VCXs some by location, some by department or function. Either way, we have 7,000 currently deployed, and are going to end up with over 15,000 when we are done, Fuze is VERY scalable.
Because the people who designed Fuze were Data-center people, they thought of availability first, there really isn't any excuse for telephony downtime, and they certainly do well with this. There has never been a total outage, just a few features sometimes have been offline while Fuze moves the service to other servers, NEVER calling, sometimes chat or physical phones (which can be fixed by rebooting them). The uptime on the Fuze systems is basically: Always up, always available.
Since Fuze runs across multiple devices and platforms they really strived to make a lightweight interface that is optimized for phone calls, chat, and collaboration. The web client loads fast, the chat is always up-to-date, phone calls arrive on-time. The desktop client is the most feature rich and basically it just adds desktop sharing functionality as well as VoIP for calling, and the mobile client doesn't consume a lot of battery, and it stays running to get phone calls, chats, and can do meetings over Wifi, Cellular Data, or Cellular voice.

Integrating Fuze

I give the rating of 10 because Fuze is a cloud-based application, and they have opened up so many doors to get data in and out securely from their databases it is really quite amazing how much power they pass on to the administrators, this makes requests from the users and the business easy to handle.
  • Exchange 365 (Outlook 365)
  • Google Contacts
  • Salesforce contacts
These integrations are built into the product, so there isn't anything to do from an administrator perspective, the end-user can choose to import their external contacts and those contacts are then available in the lookup.
  • Microsoft AD (Micro Focus Access manager emulating MFAD)
The vendor does support, to some extent a Microsoft AD Integration, though it is in it's early stage, we are hoping to be able to get a two-way synchronization to keep our users' data up-to-date in the directory, and to be able to push and pull new and expired users in and out of Fuze.
  • File import/export
  • Single Signon
  • API (e.g. SOAP or REST)
Nothing that is really missed, but Fuze does have a very extensive API Library for user data, calls and for reporting, it is very impressive the power that they give to administrators to be able to manage their Fuze environment successfully. Fuze is constantly improving their product, we are very happy!
Probably the best advice with integrations is to consider that "nothing is impossible", that's really quite simple, if you can dream it and program it to access their APIs then you can build it, and your users will be happy. And if you can't build it, there are plenty of people at Fuze that can assist.

Relationship with Fuze

The sales process was really quite straightforward, after the vendor selection was done our purchaser was able to sit down with Fuze and go over a contract that provided us a simple billing structure and a plan to rollout Fuze across our organization. The plan that was executed was exactly as they laid it out in the sales contract. Kudos to Fuze!
Fuze has a great technical support team, when we first started working with them all our calls went directly to engineers that would start working on the problem, but as hold times got longer and longer, Fuze implemented a ?Triage? team where they would take all the incoming support calls, open a ticket, evaluate the priority and either inform us that we would get a callback, or check to see if there were any support engineers available. We have reported a number of issues that have all been resolved very quickly and efficiently. Fuze is very quick to fix issues!
Although I don't believe that I can discuss particulars in the contract, we were able to get pricing for our user base starting at 5,000 users with a sliding scale to 10,000 users, and we knew that we were going to grow beyond that so we had pricing up to 20,000 users. We wanted all our voice services to include unlimited Global Long-Distance, which Fuze has a tier for (although there are a handful of countries where they charge a per-minute-unit, each user gets 500 units a month that we had collectively pooled so we will never be charged extra for long-distance, it's all-inclusive). This is a huge selling point for a multi-national company that used to have very expensive long-distance phone bills.
Fuze is incredibly easy to work with, so the best advice is either know what you want, or what you need, bring it to the table, let Fuze work out the details and let them tell you how to best implement their service, they have been doing this long enough now that they have the process down and know how to do it very efficiently.

Upgrading Fuze

Yes - Since Fuze is a cloud application the upgrade is done on the Fuze side, the great thing is that they still give you the ability to decide WHEN to rollout the upgrade, and you can even have a few users testing the beta or "new" versions before you roll them out to your entire organization.
  • More headset support
  • Inviting users outside the organization to collaborate
  • Enhanced GUI
  • Audio notification customizations
  • End-user call handling changes
  • Web-audio for inbound-outbound calls


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