Microsegmentation Software

Best Microsegmentation Software include:

Cisco Secure Workload.

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Cisco Secure Workload

The Cisco Secure Workload (formerly Tetration) platform offers holistic workload protection for multicloud data centers by enabling a zero-trust model using segmentation. This approach allows users to identify security incidents faster, contain lateral movement, and reduce the attack…

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ColorTokens' Xshield microsegmentation platform stops the lateral spread of malware and ransomware by putting a micro-perimeter around every network asset.

Learn More About Microsegmentation Software

What is Microsegmentation software?

Microsegmentation software is a vital tool for organizations looking to enhance their network security by dividing the network into smaller segments and enforcing strict access controls between them. This software is typically used by IT departments, security teams, and network administrators within an organization. The main goal of implementing microsegmentation software is to increase overall cybersecurity posture by minimizing the attack surface, reducing lateral movement of threats, and improving visibility into network traffic patterns.

Potential buyers should know that microsegmentation software is closely related to network security software and endpoint protection software. They all aim at securing different aspects of the organization's digital infrastructure. Network security software focuses on protecting the entire network from external threats. Endpoint protection software aims to secure individual devices like laptops, smartphones, or servers from malware and unauthorized access. Microsegmentation software differs from these two other software because it provides granular control over internal traffic flows within the network.


Key features typically found in microsegmentation software include:

1. Policy-Based Access Control: Define specific rules for controlling traffic between different segments based on criteria such as user identity, device type, or application.

2. Application Visibility: Gain insight into which applications are communicating across the network and set policies accordingly.

3. Traffic Monitoring: Monitor real-time traffic flow between segments to detect any anomalies or suspicious activities.

4. Automated Policy Enforcement: Automatically enforce access control policies without manual intervention to ensure consistent security measures.

5. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with existing security tools and platforms for enhanced threat detection and response.


When purchasing microsegmentation software, potential buyers should consider the following key factors:

1. Scalability: Ensure that the software can scale along with your organization's growth without compromising performance or security.

2. Ease of Use: Look for a user-friendly interface and intuitive design to streamline deployment and management processes.

3. Compatibility: Verify compatibility with your existing network infrastructure, cloud environments, and security solutions to avoid integration issues.

4. Security Updates: Check if the vendor provides regular updates and patches to address new threats or vulnerabilities in the software.

5. Support & Training: Evaluate the level of support services offered by the vendor, including training resources for users to maximize the software's effectiveness.


In terms of pricing, many vendors do not publicly display specific pricing information for microsegmentation software due to its customized nature based on individual organization requirements. Buyers should expect pricing ranges based on factors such as company size, number of endpoints/devices managed, desired features or functionality levels (such as advanced automations). Pricing may also vary depending on deployment model (on-premises vs cloud-based) and level of customer support included.

Vendors may offer free trials or demonstrations so that potential buyers can test out the software before making a purchase decision, and there might also be free versions available with limited features aimed at small businesses or individuals. Managed service providers may offer subscription-based pricing models where customers pay a monthly fee per endpoint/device protected.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is microsegmentation software?

Microsegmentation software provides granular control over internal network traffic, dividing the network into smaller segments and enforcing strict access controls between them. It enhances cybersecurity posture by reducing the attack surface, limiting lateral movement of threats, and improving visibility into network traffic patterns.

What are the benefits of using microsegmentation software?

The major benefits of using microsegmentation software include enhanced security through segmentation, improved control over network access, better detection of abnormal behavior or threats within the network, and increased compliance with regulatory requirements. Organizations can save time by automating policy enforcement and reduce potential financial losses by preventing unauthorized access to critical assets.

What does microsegmentation software cost?

When it comes to pricing for microsegmentation software, vendors typically do not publish specific pricing details online due to its customized nature based on individual organizational needs. Buyers should expect pricing ranges influenced by factors such as company size, desired features/functionality levels (such as levels of automation), deployment method, number of endpoints managed, and level of customer support included. Vendors often provide free trials or demos for interested buyers to assess the software's suitability before committing to a purchase. Additionally, they may offer free versions with limited functionalities targeted at small businesses or individuals.