Power Animation Tool For Hobbyist Or Professionals
June 20, 2017

Power Animation Tool For Hobbyist Or Professionals

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with CrazyTalk Animator

I am a content creator. I use CrazyTalk Animator (CTA) for personal use in my own projects as well as freelance projects. At work, I first used the program when I was tasked to give a presentation that I was not prepared for. I decided to make a visual in the form of an animation instead of using traditional means such as PowerPoint. Needless to say, the presentation was a huge success.

Fast forward, I now use CTA on a regular basis and make promotional/marketing videos for my company. The ease of the program allows just about anyone in our marketing product to construct a professional looking animation. So now, instead of outsourcing video creation to third parties, we make them ourselves!


  • The main pro of the entire program is that it makes animation incredibly simple. You are not required to even know how to draw. Once you grasp the gist of the software it is extremely simple to use.
  • Another great aspect of CTA is the online community. There are a vast amount of online tutorials and an online forum for anyone who has questions. They even provide a content store in which users can sell their own content to other users.
  • A recent update has allowed Photoshop integration. This allows even more customization of aspects of the animation you are working with.
  • A characters mouth movements are automatically synced with voiceover audio. I felt this gave me one less thing to animate and has saved me time on more than one occasion.


  • Other products made by this company (Namely their 3D animation software) have a character creator. I would love to see something like this with CTA.
  • I would like to see a bigger integration with social media. Having the ability to live broadcast a CTA character in real-time (like mo-cap) would be amazing. If this were a possibility you could live stream a video chat or Facebook live portrayed as your CTA character.
  • Allow more in-depth settings for exporting media.
  • Since my company discovered that I was an animator, they are constantly wanting me to make videos. If the company were to outsource someone to create animations like the ones I am creating, they would be extremely pricey. CTA was only a one-time purchase. I have even trained several other employees of the company how to use the software. That way, if I ever exit the company they can continue to create marketing animations without me.
  • Toon Boom
CTA was a program that got me interested in 2D animation. After about a year of using the software, I began looking for other similar products. I had come across a program called Toon Boom. This was another 2D software somewhat similar to CTA. Toon Boom is a fantastic program however the price was higher than CTA. Aside from that, learning how to use Toon Boom had a much higher learning curve. Eventually, I purchased Toon Boom and learned the program. It is definitely a powerful 2D animation platform however I always seemed to bring myself back to CTA. I felt CTA was much more simple to use. It was also easy enough for other people to contribute to my animation projects. Having to reteach my coworkers another program was not going to work for us. Not being solely responsible for animations is a huge relief.
This is a difficult question to answer. This software can be used for a hobbyist or professionals alike. On one hand, you can make fun, simple animations for things like YouTube or Facebook. However, on the other hand, you can use this tool for professional looking animations that can be used in marketing, presentations, etc.

I am someone who uses the program for both - as a hobbyist and also professionally.

The first time I took it upon myself to make an animation for something job-related, it impressed my colleagues so much that they bought the company their own copy of the software and encouraged me to make more. There have been numerous times where I have used the program to entice new clients. I would even take it a step further by using a potential client's logo or CEO as a character in the animation.

In 2015, CrazyTalk Animator (CTA) has even helped me land a new job. I had been laid off and was out of work for a few months. I saw a job opening I was interested but had learned that the position had literally hundreds of potential applicants. Basically, I created a video using CTA of me performing the job as if I already had been offered it. I even included the company logo. In the video, I made an animation explaining why it was a good idea to hire the company. Once I finished the video I included it along with my resume. To make a long story short, I got the job.


  • Eric Lennep | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Thanks for the great review. I am looking to create just a few seconds of animation of a character currently used in print. I want to insert the character in a short recruiting video. I want to learn the software but need a fast start, someone that could help me in the initial project. Any suggestions on where to find someone? I signed in with Linked In, so I think you could reach me there.
    • Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
      Are you looking to create 2d or 3d animations? I believe Reallusion has software for both.
      • Eric Lennep | TrustRadius Reviewer
        I have a new account that has a 2D character they use in print. I have a pilot project for a video recruiting ad. I did a prototype of the ad with their character as an image. I would like to "bring the character to life". So I just started looking at animation software. I found CrazyTalk which led to your review. My thought is to get their character created as a CrazyTalk character and then I can help them create all sorts of short videos. Thanks for your reply.
      • Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
        That is definitely do-able with Crazytalk Animator. You could even do reoccurring ads/media using the same character in any ads in the future. Crazytalk Animator was a pretty easy program to learn, it was how I original started in Animation but not something you can learn overnight. Good luck to you.
      • Eric Lennep | TrustRadius Reviewer
        Thanks. Are you still using CrazyTalk or have you adopted something else I should consider?
      • Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
        I moved on from 2D into 3D. I suggest CTA for its simplicity. There is a great community and lots of tutorials on their forum. I do not use CTA that much these days, I am using iClone. The 3D equivalent to CTA which is also made by the same company.

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