Citrix ShareFile, love it!
February 10, 2020

Citrix ShareFile, love it!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Citrix ShareFile

The CEO and all contractors are users. Contractors include psychiatric rehab program (PRP) service directors, their PRP supervisor, and myself--the compliance officer (I am also one of two ShareFile administrators for our online account). As an accredited and state-licensed service provider with requirements to keep regular HIPAA-compliant client records and reports, we chose ShareFile because our needs for doing so were best met out of all the electronic medical records SaaS companies that we reviewed. We are a very small company, we currently don't offer psychiatric services, so we pretty much needed an a la carte SaaS that we could customize for record keeping, have robust encryption across other online platforms, and would offer secure authenticated electronic signing capabilities. We don't do our own billing, which was another feature we didn't need.


  • Authenticated electronic document signatures--self-signing, and sending out for signatures. This is a robust feature that also allows for additional information to be added to documents being sent for signatures, such as dates, notes, and items omitted but needed.
  • Encrypted emails through ShareFile, Citrix apps for Outlook, Gmail, and Mac email systems. Encrypted email messages cannot be cut/pasted, nor forwarded without encryption. If only the attachments need to be encrypted, the email message can be unencrypted. Also, two options for securely opening an encrypted email (one with less credentials, one with more).


  • Documents that need to be signed multiple times by one client but on numerous different dates. If this is being signed electronically, it can be a tedious process.
  • Because of the encryption level that we need, MS Office documents aren't editable online in ShareFile. However, because ShareFile SaaS can be synced with MS File Explorer, docs can be edited by opening them directly from File Explorer and resaved directly back to ShareFile through File Explorer, instead of needing to download from/upload to ShareFile.
  • It's an expensive product. Price depends to a great extent on quantity of bundled user licenses plus bundled signature licenses (those two products sold separately), which isn't unusual for SaaS licenses such as this. We had to carefully weigh if there would be any significant loss of ROI with a minimum licensing purchase for users and signers. We have currently reached a comfort zone with this (user bundle maxed, initial signer bundle maxed).
  • It is too early to gauge an extended ROI, as we have been using this product less than 1 year. But because of the initial expense, we have to carefully consider adding additional licensing bundles and signature bundles-- either would be a big expense unless we have a significant increase in client base and therefore have to increase our staff size. We are managing a staffing base which outnumbers our signature bundle by one staff member, by preparing documents for staff with the least amount of clients to sign, rather than purchasing another signing bundle at this time, which would mean a lot of unused signer licenses. The time to prepare and send docs to be signed by this staffer takes no more time than if he were to self-sign his docs.
  • Dropbox--I don't believe it has the robust encryption capabilities as does ShareFile package that we use; I think it has electronic signing, but I don't know to what extent that feature is legally authenticated for HIPAA standards.
  • Apricot--purpose can be similar, but Apricot is more efforts-to-outcomes SaaS, therefore, would be overkill to use it only for such pinpointed record keeping as we need for this company.
  • ETO by Social Solutions, similar to Apricot, even more expansive efforts-to-outcomes SaaS. Too much software for the need.
Every question we have had has been answered either through contacting live support or their extensive knowledge base of training videos and online documentation.

Do you think ShareFile delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with ShareFile's feature set?


Did ShareFile live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of ShareFile go as expected?


Would you buy ShareFile again?


Adobe Acrobat DC, Microsoft Office 365, QuickBooks Desktop Pro, QuickBooks Online, Mailchimp, ReachMail, Canva, GIMP, Toggl, Dropbox, Google Drive, Bloomerang, Todoist, Eventbrite, Airtable
  • Well suited for high encryption purposes, such as HIPAA compliance. This is a major reason we chose this SaaS. We also had a choice of encryption levels if we hadn't needed such a high security level.
  • Well suited for electronic signatures, be that by keyboard, mouse signing, or finger signing on tablets and mobile devices.
  • Not well-suited for service providers who need structured EMR templates for billing, insurance coding, etc.
  • Well suited for large state/local government agencies to capture required documentation from contracted providers, especially large-capacity documents that surpass email attachment size limits.

ShareFile Feature Ratings

Document collaboration
Access control
File search
Device sync
User and role management
File organization
Device management
Storage Reports

Using Citrix ShareFile

9 - 
  • CEO
  • Therapist
  • Psychiatric rehab program staff members
  • Psychiatric rehab program specialist/supervisor
  • Compliance officer
2 - 
  • CEO--required by state licensing office and state procurement office to use Citrix ShareFile for submitting required state documentation
  • Compliance officer--acts as account administrator, oversees staff documentation requirements as completed and filed in ShareFile; utilizes SaaS functions and is responsible for training staff how to properly use it.
  • HIPAA-compliant level of securely storing and transmitting sensitive information.
  • Authenticated electronic signature capabilities.
  • Finding creative workarounds for staff with challenging laptop/PC problems (Google Chromebooks, MacBooks with O/S issues).
  • Making an easy electronic signing solution for the one staffer for whom we don't currently have enough signature licences.
  • Expanded confidential file storage beyond state licensing needs.
  • Docs needing authenticated electronic signatures beyond state licensing needs.
It's a highly effective and secure storage system, has robust workarounds for serving the various equipment limits of our users, meets high security requirements of HIPAA standards, significantly reduces our needs for producing paper trails.

Using Citrix ShareFile

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using
Slow to learn
Lots to learn
  • Sync with Outlook.
  • Sync with MS File Explorer.
  • Convincing staff not to save sharable files in their "personal" folders (those folders aren't sharable).
Yes - Our staff who use it regularly for signing do so quickly and easily.
It does everything we need it to do. It has taken our staff some time to get used to how many workarounds there are to work online, through File Explorer, and on their mobile devices. There is always a workaround, and we have to remind staff occasionally that they have more than one way to access and use their folders. That is the only reason I give it an 8. I love this SaaS, I've used it enough on a daily basis to understand many ways to get around in the software. It is a highly responsive and intuitive software. I have found no loopholes in electronic transmissions that would compromise highly sensitive information that needs to be encrypted.


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