The go-to tool to grow your business's social media presence
Updated March 01, 2020

The go-to tool to grow your business's social media presence

Len Gordon | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Buffer

I use Buffer for my own social media scheduling for my blogs posts and also for my clients and our organisation's social content.


  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Connect to other social media tools such Quuu.


  • Maybe adding all there features into one affordable plan.
  • More social media platforms added.
5 - Marketing, content management, social media
  • Since using buffer I can't report much negative.
  • It has helped my clients build their brand and awareness on social media.
I would recommend Buffer for ease of use, social media intergration and costs, also Buffer rarely has any issues or downtime. If they do they warn you well in advance.
I will always recommend Buffer to anyone who is looking to grow their presence on social media and needs a go-to tool.

Buffer Feature Ratings

Content planning and scheduling
Content optimization
Not Rated
Workflow management
Not Rated
Campaign success analytics
Role-based user permissions & privileges
Mobile access

Using Buffer

3 - General knowledge on social media marketing and content calenders, also content marketing and curation
  • content marketing
  • social media marketing
  • connect buffer to various other software such as quuu and feedly
  • monitor content engagement via Buffer analyze
  • upgrade to other plans
  • carry on using buffer
Buffer is a must for any type of content and social media marketing and distribution

Evaluating Buffer and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Analyst Reports
I will stick with Buffer as I have done

Buffer Training

Buffer Support

Buffer simply act fast and do not leave you hanging
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - With Buffer it is a easy to use piece of kit and they keep you well inform with updates and changes if you do have a problem it is resolve so fast it does feel like premium support :)
Yes - Yes when twitter changed its terms on tweeting the duplicate content across various account buffer alerted user straight away and provided advice
When Twitter updated their API, Buffer inform users early on there maybe a few issues, however I did not face any issue with this subject

Using Buffer

Buffer is a must use tool for any business or digital content provider who use one of the big 5 social media platforms
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • everything
  • mostly the twitter alert for sharing the same content soon after already publishing
Yes - It work fairly well, however I prefer to use the desktop version

Buffer Reliability

Buffer does what it say on tin as they say! you can always count on Buffer. Buffer can be scale to 25 social account with 2,000 scheduled post which is enough for most agencies or businesses
Buffer is always on hand and very reliable, their software suite rarely has outages
Buffer interagates well with extensions, however with most cases of cross connecting software there are little issue sometimes but they are easy fix and you are able to work with them. Buffer UI loads quite quickly and does have ability to swith between two different UI if needed. Buffer original UI nd their new updated UI


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