Great collaboration between Students and Teachers
September 08, 2017

Great collaboration between Students and Teachers

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Modules Used

  • Blackboard Learn
  • Blackboard Mobile

Overall Satisfaction with Blackboard

I used Blackboard back in college and it was a great tool for connecting students with their professors. It made it so easy to access assignments or different handouts from class that you may have missed. In addition, it provides a way for you to virtually hand in assignments if you miss class or if it's easier for the professor to do it that way. The platform also allows for collaboration among student groups for class, because you're able to have discussion boards and your own group pages to collaborate with one another.


  • Collaboration
  • Discussion
  • Connecting educators and students
  • User-friendly
  • Access to assignments
  • Access to class information/updates


  • Not very visually appealing
  • Would be nice if all professors adopted it, some refuse to use it
  • Frequently get errors when sometimes handing in assignments or uploading documents
  • Better communication
  • Better learning experience
  • Improved grades
  • Easier collaboration
I think it's really well suited as a way for teachers to easily communicate with their students in a less formal way. If they need to send out an announcement to the class, it's very easy to do so and it assures that all students in the class get the message. In addition, if there's a snow day or the teacher will be out sick, it's a great platform to schedule a make up class or provide any missed materials because of the cancellation.

Using Blackboard

Overall, the program is extremely user-friendly and easy to use. It makes it way easier to communicate with your professor if there are any class updates or if you're having an issue with an assignment. It provides an all-in-one place to get any information for a class that you might have missed which makes it very convenient.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Uploading
  • Downloading documents
  • Participating in discussion boards
  • Not visually appealing
  • If teachers have too many folders or topics it can be hard to find information
  • The timeout feature can make your submissions not go through
Yes - It works well but it's not the most visually friendly and it's somewhat of a pain to use. It's much easier and quicker to go on the computer and look up what you need that way. Doing it on a phone takes a while to load and I've frequently gotten error messages when trying to use it.


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