Ambition good for single teams who like competition and social re-enforcement
February 19, 2019

Ambition good for single teams who like competition and social re-enforcement

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Ambition

Who: one of our enrollment (sales) teams uses Ambition to track their daily activities, see how their manager's team is performing compared to others, and share fun stories/photos/content across the floor.

How: Ambition connects to our CRM, Salesforce. Reports from Salesforce connect to Ambition to show

This helps us incentivize performance via social reinforcement. High performers get rewarded by seeing their high metric attainment, and low performers can strive to reach that level.


  • Connect to our CRM, Salesforce.
  • Easily display on a shared TV screen in the office to share key metrics and content.
  • Help our sales team see the results of their hard work, and compare to their peers (if you set it up that way).


  • Customization: Ambition offers specific features that can be hard to adapt to the exact metrics or content you want to show.
  • Reminders: I'd like to opt into notifications via email of key milestones, reminders to change content, etc.
  • Expensive: it's an expensive product for what you get. We don't offer incentive comp, so it's helpful to have a tool like this to socially celebrate success.
  • We rolled out a new metrics launch AND Ambition at the same time. Metrics attainment has risen significantly.
  • Some reps love seeing the results publicly, and some despise it. It highly depends on the sales culture of your team. The "non-salesy" types at our company only want to know their own metrics, and not participate in sales competitions or publicize the results.
I have evaluated a few products similar to Ambition, at a high level. I have not used others.

I implement Ambition at our office for one team, but I wasn't the only decision maker.
Well suited: environments that crave social affirmation, social competition, or other organizations that can't incentivize success via compensation.

Not well-suited: environments that support several similar roles that have different metrics. Example: we have 5 similar roles at my company that would benefit from Ambition, and each of these teams sits close to each other. It's challenging to customize Ambition to display multiple different roles with different metrics, rewards, and content. If you display the content on a screen in your office, it's best suited for only one role/team. Otherwise, you'll likely need to deploy Ambition to different teams separately, via a different account.

Ambition Feature Ratings

Sales contest templates
Custom sales contests
Team competitions
Multiple competitions
Contest flexibility
Sales rep view
Mobile game functionality
Not Rated
Game notifications & updates
Social competition / Game collaboration
Sales game integration to Salesforce
Not Rated
Sales performance reporting
TV streaming


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