AlphaSense delivers speed, depth and service. It makes sense.
July 28, 2022

AlphaSense delivers speed, depth and service. It makes sense.

Peter Smith | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with AlphaSense

We use AlphaSense to ensure thorough visibility of secondary research materials related to companies and topics of interest. Our two key problems were 1)insufficient time to properly aggregate the high volume of secondary materials (investor materials, press releases, published articles) in a timely fashion and 2)broad access to equity analyst notes.


  • Relevance filtering of search results
  • Access to equity analyst research notes
  • Pursuit of new value added capabilities
  • Highlighting of keyword searching
  • Easy downloading of materials


  • Increase ability to share materials with users who do not hold Alpha-Sense seats
  • Increased pricing model flexibility for smaller organizations
  • Ability to quickly select pages of research documents (requiring credits) for download without have to access each page first
  • Efficiency and productivity in research
  • Deeper insights due to crucial data found
The UX is good and relatively intuitive. My favorite features are color coding of material type (research vs. company materials, etc.) and the highlighting of keywords and relevant sections. The search capability is easy to use and the ability to time restrict the search is critical. The automated alerts far exceed Google Alerts in that I receive much less duplication (though there is some).
AlphaSense has provided us with a well-rounded view of market-related actions. The ability to monitor information from various types of sources and easily sort materials has delivered deeper insight and more confident analytical assessment. Much of what we obtain through AlphaSense is available elsewhere, but the speed through AlphaSense allows us to focus our time on other areas.
We found the entire customer experience to be significantly better with AlphaSense than with Refinitiv. There are three key areas where AlphaSense was superior: 1. The price of AlphaSense was also lower and a better value 2. The user interface was more intuitive and faster to access valuable content 3. The service and relationships with AlphaSense employees (They always proactively offer training, search support, and more)

Do you think AlphaSense delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy AlphaSense again?


AlphaSense is well suited to rapidly increasing knowledge about public companies or broad topics of interest. It centralizes and speeds access to investor releases and secondary articles. The ability to create dashboards around topic interest or companies is helpful and the ability to set curated alert emails are helpful. As you might expect, information about private companies is more limited and therefore AlphaSense thus far delivers less value in this area. We have not used the built-in collaboration tools though there is value for an organization with multiple seats.

Using AlphaSense

2 - The seats held are used in a Research capacity and filtered information is then shared to other appropriate functions, as appropriate.
We rely on AlphaSense support staff to assist with the creation of dashboards, custom searches, or other experts when necessary. The platform is intuitive enough for the average person to extract value without specialized training.
  • Monitoring of investor materials
  • Rapid learning of new topics
  • Access to limited availability content from equity analyst research
  • AlphaSense acquired Stream recently which offers access to expert transcripts. As that content pool expands we would be interested in adding access to that material.
We recently renewed our seats for another year and will likely renew again next year.


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