Fantastic CAT tool for freelancers and small translation teams
- Project setup is super easy and straightforward. Literally takes seconds to create a project, assign TM and termbases and add team members.
- As a project manager, I need to understand the progress of the project and where everyone on the team is. ABBYY SmartCAT makes it easy to track these things.
- SmartCAT makes it incredibly easy to pay our translators which is much cheaper than handling payments via wire transfers.
- Their CAT tool offers great collaborative features including the ability to assign segments and leave comments on strings so proofreaders could see them.
- Performance has been an issue initially. Sometimes it takes longer for some things to load and it can be frustrating.
- UI seems a bit confusing at times. For example, I don't understand why I need to have a translator's profile when I'm clearly a project manager.
- Their support team can take a long time to reply which often crucial for urgent projects.
- Translation memories and CAT tool help us ensure maximum consistency in our translations which is always appreciated by clients.
- Team collaboration made it easier for us to grow our business and take on bigger projects, which brings us more revenue.
- Payment solution helps us save money on wire transfer fees which is always great when working with multiple freelancers.