It facilitates an excellent data market that prioritizes mobile devices.
- Kochava is a full attribution tracking system that includes the ability to track mobile apps and browser versions. It has a well-organized dashboard that provides us with useful information.
- Getting started with Kochava was not easy for the team members, and setup was a bit difficult at first, but customer support has always been available.
- Kochava is perfect for making a large number of files and processes more practical and efficient in a simple way, which is not useful for optimizing our decision-making process and having better control over several files at the same time.
- Kochava is important because it helps us to study and track smart connections useful for evaluating the success of the marketing process.
- Kochava provides us with several benefits, including the ability to collect all campaign performance data, as well as the ability to measure how much money we spend on our campaigns.
- We can also use Kochava's app links and QR codes to boost our conversion.
- Kochava's BI and third-party solutions provide real-time analytics and excellent reporting.
- Influ2 and AnalyticOwl