Marketing Attribution Software

Best Marketing Attribution Software include:

Attribution in Google Analytics, Factors.AI, AnalyticOwl, Analytic Partners, Veritone Attribute, Nielsen Marketing Mix Modeling and Gamesight.

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(1-25 of 89)

Piano Analytics

Piano Analytics, formerly AT Internet, provides digital analytics to help customers measure their audience, optimise their digital performance and create value. From data collection to exploration, activation, and the sharing of actionable insights, the Piano Analytics Suite is designed…


AdRoll provides a platform, performance, and services to meet companys' marketing goals while streamlining marketing operation. Solutions technologies for brand awareness, retargeting, and abandoned cart recovery. And the AdRoll Cross-Channel Performance Dashboard displays campaigns…


AppsFlyer helps brands make good choices for their business and their customers through innovative, privacy-preserving measurement, analytics, fraud protection, and engagement technologies. Built on the idea that brands can increase customer privacy while providing exceptional experiences,…

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Google offers the Firebase suite of application development tools, available free or at cost for higher degree of usages, priced flexibly accorded to features needed. The suite includes A/B testing and Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging (FCM) and in-app messaging, cloud storage and NoSQL…


Branch provides a cross-platform linking and attribution platform, offering solutions that unify user experience and measurement across devices and channels. Branch powers mobile links and cross-platform measurement to more than 3 billion monthly users across the globe. It provides…


CallTrackingMetrics is a call tracking solution for all online and offline channels with real-time reporting and intelligent routing.

Everflow - Partner Marketing Platform

Everflow, from the company of the same name in Mountain View, is presented by the vendor as a smart partner marketing and tracking platform. Performance marketing has grown sophisticated, so the vendor has designed Everflow to help companies stay ahead. Everflow handles scale through…

Adjust by AppLovin

Adjust is a mobile marketing analytics platform boasting users among marketers around the world, with solutions for measuring and optimizing campaigns and protecting user data. Adjust powers apps with built-in intelligence and automation, backed by global customer support. In 2021,…


Kochava is a mobile attribution and analytics platform for enterprises.


Influ2 is a first person-based marketing platform, presenting a new approach to account-based marketing. The solution enables B2B marketers to target chosen decision-makers, capture their intent, and track engagement at the individual level.The company boasts 75+ enterprise and medium-…

Attribution in Google Analytics

Attribution in Analytics is Google's free cross-channel, multi-touch attribution solution. It's currently released as a beta feature and is based on the former Adometry, a cross-channel marketing analytics and attribution platform that was acquired by Google in May 2014.


InfiniGrow provides real-time visibility into data, to automatically uncover the business impact of marketing activity, and optimize budget allocation towards the best-performing channels. It centralizes data by connecting the user's CRM, marketing automation and all the other tools…

Zoho Marketing Automation

Zoho Marketing Automation is a marketing automation software that helps businesses manage their marketing activities across multiple channels. It is designed to help users generate more leads, convert them into customers, and also retain them for a longer duration. Businesses can…


Factors.AI helps B2B SaaS marketers amplify marketing ROI, save time and effort on routine analysis, and give critical insights into marketing activities impacting pipeline/revenue. Firstly, Factors brings together all data silos- website visitor data, CRM, Ads platform, Clearbit,…

Equifax Data-Driven Marketing

The Equifax Data-Driven Marketing platform is a digital marketing solution designed to help find the right customers for a brand: Audience identification and targeting Prescreen and Invitation to Apply audience selection Pre-approval and pre-qualification Digital identity Customer…

Nielsen Marketing Mix Modeling

Nielsen Marketing Mix Modeling enables customers to assess the impact of their investments, understand what’s working, and optimize marketing budgets accordingly. It replaces Nielsen Attribution (formerly Visual IQ, acquired by Nielsen in October 2017) , the platform for cross-channel…

Triple Whale

Triple Whale is a marketing analytics solution that enables users to visualize data in one central dashboard, generate reports, and track profit. Upgrading to its attribution plan provides additional data and analytic capabilities. The "Full Whale" plan adds the company's Creative…

0 reviews

The wecantrack platform allows users to consolidate, attribute and integrate affiliate conversion data, making it easier for users to track progress and identify areas for improvement. wecantrack provides information to inform decisions about marketing campaigns. Track Affiliate…

0 reviews

Order Metrics, from the company of the same name in San Francisco, is an ecommerce analytics and and multi-touch journey attribution tool that combines daily profit reporting, with insights to grow an ecommerce business. The vendor states their software can help improve paid marketing…

TVSquared ADvantage

The ADvantage platform, from TVSquared in Edinburgh is ab automated and always-on analytics solution designed to measure reach and frequency, reach extension, outcomes and audiences across all screens and all forms of video advertising — from linear to streaming.

0 reviews

HitPath Multichannel Tracking Platform, from Webapps headquartered in New Orleans, offers a tool set that an advertiser, or affiliate ad network would need, to manage a worry free business. Networks in the performance and online marketing industry can use HitPath for tracking, reporting…

PixelMe by Carbon6
0 reviews

PixelMe is an attribution tool from Carbon6 headquartered in Brooklyn, that allows users to track Amazon conversions from Google, Facebook, and Tiktok ads, aiming ot give users the ability to drive profitable traffic to Amazon listings while eliminating wasted ad spend. PixelMe's…

0 reviews is a marketing attribution software, developed specifically for marketing professionals and enterprises. It is utilized to optimize return on investment using Artificial Intelligence. It lets users incorporate all of their marketing data and run advanced marketing attribution…

Wicked Reports

Wicked Reports is a multi-touch marketing attribution software built by data experts to deliver critical data insights for paid marketing activities. Ecommerce brands can use Wicked to see every step of the customer journey, from first click to click to sale, and every touch point…

TVision Insights

TVision Insights offers brands and media sellers with TV and CTV ad viewership and engagement metrics. The vendor aims to help brands and media sellers better understand ad campaign performance and plan for future campaigns.

Learn More About Marketing Attribution Software

What is Marketing Attribution?

Marketers are constantly running digital and offline campaigns across one or many channels (e.g. email, social, web, direct mail, etc). Their primary goal is to connect with potential and existing customers and provide them with a personalized digital experience.

But this means brands end up having multiple different interactions with prospects and customers throughout a campaign. Marketing attribution helps marketers understand the impact and value (or ROI) each online and offline touchpoint has. Thus the goal of marketing attribution is to help marketers figure out which advertisements, content, messaging, and channels contribute the most to success. For most organizations, success is defined as one or more of the following:

  • increased conversions
  • increased pipeline
  • increased revenue

Attribution analysis helps marketers assess their overall campaign strategy, figure out which touchpoints and channels are the biggest drivers of success, and make adjustments where necessary. For example, attribution analysis may reveal that display ads convert better than search ads (PPC) for a specific audience segment.

Marketing attribution tools are incredibly important in the consumer space, especially among retailers and ecommerce businesses. These tools are also relevant for B2B companies but are less widely used than they are in the B2C world.

Marketing Attribution Models

There are a few core marketing attribution models organizations use. Not all models work equally well for every business. So marketers should think carefully before deciding which model to use.

Here are some of the most common types of marketing attribution models:


First-touch attribution models give all the credit to the first point of contact the prospect or customer had with your brand. So if a prospect received an email, then saw an ad on social, and then received another email—the outcome of that lead making a purchase would be 100% attributed to the first email they received.


Similar to the first-touch approach, last-touch attribution gives all the credit for converting a lead to the last touchpoint. While first-touch attribution doesn’t account for continued engagement after the first point of contact, the last-touch model doesn’t account for prior forms of engagement.

Multi-touch attribution

Multi-touch/source attribution models aim to account for all the different touchpoints a lead engaged with before converting. This could be multiple touchpoints within one campaign or several interactions across different campaigns. Under the umbrella of multi-touch/source attribution are a few key ways to weight the different engagement touchpoints:

  • Linear: weights all interactions equally.
  • U-shaped: weights each interaction individually, giving the first and last touchpoints higher weightings.
  • Time decay: weights interactions closest to the time of conversion or purchase the highest.
  • W-shaped: weights the first, last, and middle ‘opportunity creation’ touchpoints more than others.

Marketers should keep in mind that no attribution model is perfect or completely rules out all forms of bias. But the consistency of approach is almost as important as how well the model fits your business.

Marketing Attribution Biases

Most prospects and customers will have multiple interactions with a brand, potentially both online and offline. This makes it difficult to separate the impact of one specific touchpoint from all the other touchpoints a customer may have received.

There are different types of biases that marketers should be aware of as they conduct attribution analysis, to make sure they are not misattributing the success of a specific touchpoint or campaign.

For example, correlation bias is when it looks like one event causes another when it’s actually unclear if the two are related. In-market bias can be another source of frustration for marketers trying to conduct attribution analysis. This happens when something like an ad gets credit for converting a customer that would have made a purchase with or without having seen the ad.

Marketing Attribution Software Features

Most marketing attribution software will have the following core features:

  • Owned media attribution
  • Ad network & DSPS attribution
  • Mobile attribution
  • TV/OTT attribution
  • Retargeting attribution
  • Multi-touch attribution
  • Multi-channel attribution
  • Audience segmentation
  • Ad network partnerships
  • Ad spend aggregation and tracking
  • Marketing analytics dashboard
  • Deep linking
  • Fraud protection

Marketing Attribution Software Comparison

For marketers evaluating different marketing attribution or measurement platforms, make sure to consider these six key factors:

  1. Cost: does the price of the platform match your organization’s budget?
  2. User experience: how user-friendly is the platform overall, and will your team feel comfortable using it?
  3. Platform focus: is attribution the core focus of the platform, or is it primarily focused on other areas like traffic analysis or campaign automation?
  4. Geographic reach: are you looking for a global platform or one that operates within one specific world region?
  5. Customer and technical support: what type of support does the vendor offer? Do you need to pay more for higher levels of access to support?
  6. Integrations: does the platform integrate with the ad networks, paid media channels, and other third-party systems you use?

Pricing Information

Pricing for marketing attribution platforms can vary based on several factors. Products that include additional capabilities typically cost more than products that squarely focus on measuring attribution across channels.

The pricing model differs across platforms too. For example, both AppsFlyer and Kochava have a free version of their platform, though with limited capabilities. After the free tier, AppsFlyer charges 6 cents per conversion, while Kochava has plans starting at $100 per month that can be based on conversions or monthly active users (MAU).

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is attribution in marketing?

Marketing attribution is the practice of analyzing which online and offline touchpoints a prospect or customer encounters contribute the most to success. Using attribution models and tools, marketers assess which of their ad channels have the highest return on investment (ROI) in terms of influencing potential customers to take an action (e.g. fill out a form, download a whitepaper, make a purchase).

What is multi-touch attribution?

Multi-touch attribution takes all of the digital and offline touchpoints within a customer journey into consideration. Certain lead or customer interactions may be weighted more or less heavily than others, but all are accounted for in multi-touch attribution models. In comparison, single-touch attribution models only consider specific interaction (usually either the first or last touchpoint).

What are the benefits of marketing attribution?

The main goal of marketing attribution is to help marketers figure out which channels contribute the most to success. In turn, this helps marketers prioritize where to spend their marketing dollars. It also helps marketers ensure they’re working with the ad networks and paid media channels that have a high ROI.

How much does marketing attribution software cost?

Prices can vary across marketing attribution or marketing measurement platforms. For example, some vendors charge based on monthly active users while others charge per conversion.

Some vendors like AppsFlyer and Kochava offer free versions of their platform.

Most vendors do no provide pricing information publicly but will provide a quote upon request.