Ellucian banner is an ERP tool used for school management, at the K-12 and college levels.
Ellucian Banner Student: Manage critical student information and deliver services to keep them on track. Student can register on their own device and get a comprehensive view to help them, as well as their advisors, stay on top of attendance and grading.
Ellucian Banner Human Resources: A self-service platform that manages employee experience including employment, benefits, and leave plans. Also enables building out talent management and succession planning strategies
Ellucian Banner Finance: Institutional financial management that supports operations, budgeting, procurement, accounts payable, researching, and accounting. Ellucian Banner Finance can make actionable insights from real-time updates on data, and find efficiencies or cost savings when procuring goods and service across your institution.
Ellucian Banner Financial Aid:Institutional financial management for automation of financial aid processes. Funds are distributed accurately and data can be shared with students and staff.