Honest thoughts about Avanan
- Easy to setup
- Easy to administer
- Easy to report junk and spam emails
- Easy to report threats and resolve issues
- Emails the platform sends out after setup require customization they're very basic and unreadable
- Support is overwhelmed at this point
- [The] initial implementation we fast but confusing to a point some things we skipped that were discussed during the demo and never got done when put into production.
- Email is kept more secure.
- Provides [users] with [the] ability to request an email to be delivered if needed out of quarantine.
- The amount of time administrators spend working on email security issues has been cut in half from what they were with our previous vendor.
- Email spam blocker
- Malware protection
- Shadow IT documentation and notification
- Phishing protection
- Hidden email security gateway
- Office 365 account take over notification alerts without having to buy into P1 licensing via O365
- Possibly to stop out going spam flow
- Usage and user monitoring and tracking for email use
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Implemented in-house
- Nothing
- Nada
- Online training
- Dashboard
- Setting up the protection models
- Setting up custom reports
- Nothing
- NA
- na
- Dashboard layout
- Feature enhancements