UiPath Process Mining vs. UiPath Task Capture

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
UiPath Process Mining
Score 8.3 out of 10
UiPath Process Mining (based on the former ProcessGold Process Mining tool) provides visibility and understanding of business operations and performance. Process intelligence makes it possible to diagnose key risks and identify opportunities to drive better business performance. ProcessGold was acquired by UiPath (October 2019).N/A
UiPath Task Capture
Score 8.0 out of 10
UiPath Task Capture (formerly StepShot, acquired October 2019) is a tool designed for quick and easy step-by-step documentation. During a recording mode, the software creates a separate screenshot on every click, groups them into a manual with automatically added metadata. Users can annotate captured images and structure documents in the way they want them to look.N/A
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
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Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional Details—We have some discounts available all the time depending on the amount of ordered licenses.
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Community Pulse
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
Considered Both Products
UiPath Process Mining
Chose UiPath Process Mining
As we are currently partnered with UiPath. It is good for us to have Process Mining included in UiPath and it is easy to adopt ourselves and it shows positive impact on our daily development tasks.
UiPath Task Capture
Chose UiPath Task Capture
  • UiPath Task capture helped me in my requirement gathering in a project.
  • Helped to record the process
  • Capture the Screen
Top Pros
Top Cons
Best Alternatives
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
Small Businesses

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Score 10.0 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
Score 8.4 out of 10
Score 9.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
Likelihood to Recommend
(26 ratings)
(6 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(23 ratings)
(1 ratings)
In-Person Training
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Online Training
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
UiPath Process MiningUiPath Task Capture
Likelihood to Recommend
document understanding, which is a key aspect of process mining, has its strengths and weaknesses. Its capability with handwritten or scanned documents is not there yet - compared to its competitors such as Abbyy. However, the integration with Uipath orchestrator and the studio is fantastic, plus its ability to integrate seamlessly with other applications.
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StepShot is perfect for showing your audience how they are supposed to navigate a new system you have implemented. You can take them from a login screen all the way through any technical process you want them to follow. The product is not ideal, however, for documenting a process that does not have tangible steps. For example, a process we have created includes some reflective thinking about alignment or outcomes in order to work, this can be articulated in the text area of the screen captures but doesn't really capture our message.
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  • UiPath can automate any application (Citrix, .NET, HTML, Java, and Office), and is also compatible with Mainframe, SAP, Oracle, and many more systems.
  • There are no design flaws.
  • Efficiently manage a large number of users.
  • Integrated with office desk.
  • Easy to navigate.
  • Uipath technicians always respond in a short time to any problem.
  • Little loss of information when saving information.
  • Reduces documentation management times.
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  • Easily capture process as you're going through it
  • Easily edit the captured process
  • Add new steps/slides into the process as needed after it's captured
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  • It seems to be offered as a stand-alone product by UiPath which tends to increase the number of dedicated platforms that in-house developers have to mind. Integration into one of its already existing platforms would have been the best. Nonetheless, this does not impact its performance in any way, but rather the productivity of the user in the long run.
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  • The "export & publish" button is kind of tiny and tucked away. It should be more prominent. After not using it for a couple weeks, I always forget where it is.
  • Updates aren't as frequent. Which is fine, since I haven't come across many bugs, it would just be cool to see some added features/functionality a bit more often.
  • The blur looks fine in the preview mode, but when exported, it's not the best.
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Likelihood to Renew
It's been such a helpful investment with a very good return on an investment. The amount of time alone we have been able to say by deploying UiPath Process Mining (formerly ProcessGold) has been worth it alone, not to mention the additional money we are able to generate through deploying these processes
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No answers on this topic
It's the best tool in the market.
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Support Rating
It a good product. I would definitely keep using it in the near future. We have had good feedback within the team and also from our stakeholders on the other side of the table. Right now, there isn't any other tool out there better for doing the tasks that UiPath is doing.
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I have only run into an issue once, which I believe was due to a newly released feature (cloud storage). I was running into issues with the functionality on my Mac. The team was incredibly helpful in both troubleshooting the issue by jumping on screen sharing sessions, as well as providing multiple releases for me to test to fix the problem!
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In-Person Training
The trainer was well trained.
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Alternatives Considered
UiPath platform allows more flexibility when developing processes and has a great product road map. They are investing in developing new features and improving their products which will allow our clients to accomplish more using UiPath.
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  • UiPath Task capture helped me in my requirement gathering in a project.
  • Helped to record the process
  • Capture the Screen
  • Process recording for future reference while developing the tasks
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Return on Investment
  • From the perspective of a 15-man company, UiPath Process Mining enables us to forecast the long term performance needs of our human force, processes, infrastructure, and machinery.
  • Reusability stands out as one of our company's objectives. UiPath Process Mining offers performance data and analytics that guide us and act as benchmarking parameters while gauging the performance of our robots and processes.
  • A company that is intending or already scaled, the accuracy of the performance analytics of your RPA strategy is most vital to minimise resource wastage. UiPath Process Mining has enabled us to track the correlation of our productivity and performance with the resources at hand and then come to rather more accurate business decisions in this regard.
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  • This has saved us MANY HOURS in either walking clients through processes in person or having to create a one-off guide through taking screenshots and creating our own documents with the screenshots hand placed.
  • Client satisfaction is high when they receive these guides. It is documentation that they can refer to at anytime that is personalized to their use or individual needs.
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UiPath Task Capture Screenshots

Screenshot of You may record the needed area of take a separate screenshotScreenshot of Open menu (1) to be able to save this document to another location, share or publish it somewhere on your computer or remote service.
To create your documentation, use recording buttons (2) (discussed in "Recording" article later). All recorded steps and single screenshots are displayed in the outline panel (3). To group steps into sections, right click on empty space inside the outline panel and click on "Add section" option.
Annotate the selected step image (5) with drawings (7). Then update step title and description (6) to tell the user what he/she needs to do.Screenshot of Create manuals that contain guidesScreenshot of Exporting options. Choose the template (1) and set export settings such as quality and image size (2). Then export the document (3) to a specific location. 
Export settings are the same for all export formats.