Encircle Inc.

Encircle Inc.

The days where your word and a handshake were the gold standard are long gone from property restoration. The parties involved — restorers, adjusters, carriers, and managed repair networks – are caught in a trust crisis. Restorers' backs are up – braced for pushback on every invoice. Adjusters are trapped in an ongoing hunt for data – trying to understand what took place on a loss they’re not physically at. Carriers need claims closed faster – without leakage or fraud. Everyone is engaged in a game of tug-of-war where nobody wins. Meanwhile, homeowners are caught in the middle, as a barrage of back-and-forth about property losses extends claim cycle times, creates administrative hurdles, and wastes approx. 30% of everyone’s time.

Without a way to capture data accurately from the field and paint a clear picture of the loss, every claim leaves room for interpretation and debate which is troublesome for everyone involved. That’s where Encircle comes in.

Trust is built through total transparency about a property loss, which can only come from data – indisputable facts captured right at the source: the loss itself. Encircle’s field documentation platform sits at the front-end of a restorer’s business. With simple workflows built for field use, anyone (regardless of skill or experience) can thoroughly document what’s happening on any job, on any device, with data integrity that can be trusted.
