Will take you further than a few yards(i)
August 01, 2017

Will take you further than a few yards(i)

Alison Clark | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Yardi Property Management

Yardi is used by the account and finance departments. It is mainly used for financial reporting, A/P, A/R, and to track property costs.


  • Compiles A/P and invoices well - can easily review payments and pull prior invoices through many different modules depending on your need.
  • It is user-friendly once you are aware of how to navigate and find each module.
  • Financial reporting is a breeze and can be altered specifically to meet your needs.


  • Navigating can be a little difficult at times. You definitely need training to find what you are looking for, and the many capabilities are buried within the many modules.
  • I wish it were more seamless to import data from Excel rather than keying it all in.
  • It has a few minor technical difficulties when multiple users are working on the same thing and does not warn you that multiple people are accessing the same thing.
  • I am not aware of the hard numbers, but Yardi's digital capabilities have saved not only physical storage space of keeping paper files but also the high-valued time of employees to organize such files.
  • While it saves time being able to access everything in one database, the difficulties in navigation can make it time-consuming to really find what you need.
I and my company have only used Yardi. I am with a 2-year-old start-up now, but the person who chose to use Yardi here used it for 20 years previously. With a track record like that, I assume it is hard to beat!
It is perfect for development and property management simultaneously. The many different modules and roles that Yardi offers allow for data to be seamlessly translated as the property is developed then leased.


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