Wix: a simple and easy way to develop a website yourself
Updated March 03, 2022

Wix: a simple and easy way to develop a website yourself

Sarah Lightman | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Wix

Wix gave me the easiest solution for building a website. The layout and designs were simple and effective. It helped increase my credibility by being able to exist as an artist on more than just social media. It also gave fans another way to feel connected to my brand and shop for merch.


  • Easy design tools for any one person.
  • Tasteful design choices and layouts.
  • Easy to edit


  • The price became too high so I left.
  • Tutorials for implementing music.
  • Less layouts to choose from
  • The return has been good for increasing monthly subscribers.
  • It has provided a professional platform for industry people to research me.
  • Gave me a great first experience with building a website
They’re about the same in terms of quality except I get more for my buck using Squarespace which is why I have chosen to stick with Squarespace and stopped using Wix recently. I get the same deal with Squarespace, but for a lot less and that’s really important to me.

Do you think Wix delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Wix's feature set?


Did Wix live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Wix go as expected?


Would you buy Wix again?


I like Wix. I like how simple and convenient the layout is for designing a website. It’s useful for selling a product online, or any creative who needs an outlet to market themselves. It’s useful for creating appointments and having an easy way for people to contact your business when they’re in need. For the price increase it wasn’t appropriate for someone like me who isn’t incredibly active on their website. I just use it to list creative news, projects, and the option to buy music from the site.

Wix Feature Ratings

Using Wix

1 - Website, merch sales, marketing, credibility, contact information
Basic to advanced web knowledge
  • Marketing it
  • Merch sales
  • Pitching
  • Visibility online
  • Creating an EPK
  • Using it as a virtual business card
  • Listing lyrics
  • If I want simpler formatting options
  • Rebuild the site from scratch
  • A separate site for fans only
I’m happy with Square space as of now, and right now I don’t also have a team that would be able to review for me whether it’s worth switching again. Wix was great in the beginning of my career, but I needed something different to support the release of my new music. I like the price for Square space more too!

Evaluating Wix and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
It seemed like the best choice at the time and the easiest simultaneously. I was transferring my site from someone who made it for me. I think the single most important factor was its usability was simple and easy to navigate as a beginner in designing and maintaining my own website.
I think I would raise more questions in reviewing the product purchase and explore the feature more thoroughly. That’s one thing I didn’t know to do since I had no prior experience. I would also hire a web developer to review it with me. That way they can show me exactly what it offers and if it would be a good fit verses other sites.

Wix Implementation

Like I said I was a beginner so it was fun to navigate and teach myself how to implement the features when building and maintaining my site. It was a fairly easy place to host my domain, and creat something simple.
Not sure - I don’t think I used change management. I don’t know what that is.
  • SEO settings were not easy to find
  • Implementing music on the website took some practice
  • Figuring out the header and footer settings was challenging at times

Wix Training

It was pretty Easy to learn without training. Any questions I had, I looked at any tutorials they had available on the web. I’d recommend it to those who are fairly savvy with technology, but not to someone who struggles with that. They might need more hands on training and help.

Configuring Wix

I think the configuration and it’s ability is just fine. I don’t really have too much to comment on, as I didn’t really question it or notice it a whole like. I feel like it’s in a happy spot and its simplicity compliments it as is. There’s not much I would change.
I really don’t. I don’t feel this area is somewhere where I have the expertise to speak on it. I used wix over 3 years ago now, so there’s been enough time passing where my recollection is more dusty and faded, and not super specific. I’m sorry there not much more I can say.
No - we have not done any custom code
No I think I’ll leave it here as is.

Wix Support

I did not, at the time I had little to no room in my budget to afford them, and I had issues about asking for help. I usually Try to solve the issue on my own first, and then google Wix tutorials. I didn’t have too many problems with the site itself enough to need support.
I cannot as I didn’t use their support really. I used this product over five years ago, so it’s difficult to remember too much about their support system and how often I used it. I mostly did everything on my own and then used google and Wix tutorials, since I didn’t have most of those features in my budget.
As stated before I didn’t use the support as I did not have the feature and did not often enough need the help. I was able to figure it out mostly on my own by exploring the site. I’ve found exploring and playing on it told me how to do most things.

Using Wix

  • Colors and font options had a good selection
  • The background choice themes were ideal
  • The way to customize was easy
  • Linking music from elsewhere
  • Setting the dimensions of each page was trial and error
  • Figuring out the overall layout from scratch was something overwhelming
I think it’s very easy, simple, and anyone at any level can navigate it. I didn’t like the examples of pre-formatted layouts available. Sometimes too much simplicity leaves a lot of room for ambiguity at least for me. That’s one thing i really like about the site builder I use now, it helps me make a decision.

Wix Reliability

This goes into the past questions I answered. Its consistently, standards and overall deliverables are great! I just wish it had a little more performance wise regarding the options for page design, layout and recommendations for SEO headings and such. As a business owner, I don’t find myself to be an expert on websites and the marketing.
I never had an outage issue per say. I would say it was very reliable of a website building platform and as a marketing source there was never any issues connecting it to the server. I don’t recall there being any editing tools or hosting issues. Nothing went down when using it.
Any updates, requested analytics or the like had no hiccups, delays or loading issues. It was fairly efficient and effective on Wix in that regard. I don’t remember anything about software integrations from third pard other than maybe commerce ones for check out. I don’t think I ever had an issue with those either. There were no complaints from clients.

Integrating Wix

It’s a fairly simple process to integrate third party companies and all, but it depends on what you’re trying to do and the results you want to achieve. The domain integration was the most challenging for me, but everything else was fairly easy snd simple. That’s all I can say on it.
  • Go daddy
  • Paypal
  • Soundcloud
The domain connection for me to the host on Wix was confusing and overwhelming. I had little to no experience so I didn’t really know how it worked or what I needed ti do to to get it going. Paypal was fairly easy and so was SoundCloud. The step by step directions where pretty straightforward.
I haven’t used any of the above. I used Youtube, soundcoud, Paypal, Go daddy and a Spotify. I didn’t really use too much more. My needs were fairly simple at the time of purchasing and using Wix. I had not the knowledge nor the encouragement to use more than what I already knew.
One thing at a time and definitely take the time to get familiar and each thing you want to integrate before actually doing it. Look up tutorials if necessary and get help if you can’t figure things out solely on your own. Also take your time in general with the integration.

Relationship with Wix

I just did self checkout. I didn’t speak to any one person or anything. I just went straight through to the website builder. I reviewed my options and chose the one I felt was best for me.
I’m sorry. I’m not really sure how to answer this question.
N/a I don’t believe I negotiated anything in my history of using Wix.
No, sorry! I can’t recall have an experience like this one.

Upgrading Wix

Yes - It was super smooth, all I did was update my payment and the plan and it was instant access to my Wix account website options. I updated from basic to a commerce store option. It was a very simple and efficient process to gain access. No issues or down time. No unexpected impacts.
  • Financial gain
  • Credibility
  • Deepening of client relations
  • N/a I left Wix for Squarespace
Yes - That’s what I answered in the last question. I wanted to set up a store to sell merch. It went just great. It took some time to learn the new features, but it was a great addition to the website and drove more traffic and viewers from email and social media.


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