SEO Expert is clear about Web CEO
Updated April 08, 2015

SEO Expert is clear about Web CEO

Rudy McCormick | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Web CEO Desktop Suite

Overall Satisfaction with Web CEO

I used Web CEO to provide a marketing team to integrate and optimize online content to be human readable and search friendly, and to provide reporting on paid search trends in the health care industry. To be more specific I focused on the keyword research section, link analysis, and paid search analysis. I also used the Web CEO University to certify myself and those who would require keyword analysis proficiency within the department.


  • Keyword Optimization - the keyword research piece is really simple in that the Web CEO product will go out and grab your sites pages and allow you to chose from a list, those that you want to focus on optimizing.
  • Optimization Advice - I used this part of the tool to adjust the location of headers and titles, density, and theme of each page. The tool also measures a basic page rank which helps me to determine the level of support the site needs in terms of content creation. I have noted fairly substantial gains in search engine position using this advice and it's base for a structure to build content from. This product shines here!
  • Competitive Analysis - You can add competitors to the research and compare how your content is structured to highly ranking content and through basic link measurements get a granular explanation of the back-link structure of their online presence.
  • PPC Bid Analysis - In the last stage of the keyword research section I use the PPC volume and top bidding to create a bid strategy in my Google Adwords campaigns.
  • Validation of 3rd Party Data - When managing an entire web presence and working withing the confines of a pre-established budget, every visitor matters and so when media vendors, and targeting ad buys reach their end a careful performance analysis can be performed to measure spend and ROI to determine viability.


  • The scheduling of tasks should be automatic by default and come up as you complete each phase in the process along the way. I found scheduling to be a challenge to keep up with in that I didn't have time to complete tasks and schedule tasks in one session.
  • A social element - I'd love to see Web CEO develop another product or an add on to this product that does this complete of a job on social pages and content.
  • Less Guesswork - Finding the right keywords on the front end is critical to how long it takes to reach SERP goals.
  • Easier Training - When training writers to write for the web, the structure of the keyword research tool and optimization advice helps them to visualize structure as they write.
  • Competitive Analysis - When you have a good understanding of the competition you can make better estimates as it relates to share of voice or net visibility, this can help you to properly budget for company objectives and relay performance to key stakeholders.
  • SEO PowerSuite,Moz
While SEO PowerSuite utilizes just as much data, Web CEO does a better job at the KPIs that matter. MOZ can be fragmented in interface and reports a lot of data, some of which is less important to strategy overall. Web CEO is the most thorough in terms of the organic and paid search piece but could benefit from a social piece and I believe they'd do that well.
I always mention Web CEO to clients as we discuss aspects of the content optimization process based on the tools and key performance indicators that Web CEO uses. This product is for a trained web savvy user, so the highest recommendation would be for those who are educated in the way search spiders work, are able to also cater to human edited directories, and manage content to be relevant and highly readable at the same time. I also recommend their University for those marketers who really want to take the time to learn SEO the right way. I would stand behind the content of the training program as I have used this product since 2004 with great results.

Using Web CEO

2 - Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search Campaign Management. The search team uses this software to understand competing link structures and also to view keywords/phrases for possible optimization. The paid search team uses this for bid research and both really enjoy the ease of use and details that the WEBCEO platform provides.
1 - Interestingly the only skills needed to support running webceo is basic computer skills and some SEO training to set up the reporting. It's really easy to set up even if you don't have expert level computer skills. I've been able to train people on setting up and running the reports we use in a matter of a couple hours.
  • Keyword Research - Understanding the KEI index of various words and phrases allows our team to target the correct words and phrases that lead to business.
  • Back Link Partner Research - Understanding who links to a clients competitors allows us to understand who may be willing to link to us. In this senario we can pick up back links easily and become more competitive in days not months.
  • PPC bid research - Part of the keyword research process is to identify areas where it may be more valuable to target phrases with paid search. This tool allows us to pinpoint and process not only those words/phrases but to understand the bid requirements to be competitive for our clients.
Essential tool for my search engine optimization operations. I use this tool most of all the tools at my disposal for organic search reporting and writing tasks. I wish that accredited universities would find this program and adopt it, because it's really the right stuff in terms of how to get search results. The paid search strategy saves me enough time and returns enough performance in that time that the cost is easily justifiable to anyone with any sort of analytical accountability.

Web CEO Implementation


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