Very happy with Vena and have not looked back
Updated May 12, 2022

Very happy with Vena and have not looked back

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Vena

  • Annual budget cycle: across the entire organization.
  • Financial reporting on a period basis: deploying across sections of the organization.
  • Forecasting: across portions of the organization.


  • Consolidation and aggregation
  • Full audit trail: Who changed what number when and what was it before the change?
  • Version control: One master template deployed across numerous users.
  • Faster report creation.


  • Post implementation provides periodic review of templates for performance updates.
  • Monitor template performance for the time of data calls that drastically increase over time. Investigate and assist the customer with issues consuming your server and the customer's time.
  • Internet connectivity backbone can be problematic for users who are used to being on wifi and pick up and move elsewhere in the middle of templates.

Do you think Vena delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Vena's feature set?


Did Vena live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Vena go as expected?


Would you buy Vena again?


  • Reduced overhead with the entire budget cycle.
  • Reduced effort to publish period financials.
  • Reduced effort needed to collect forecasts from all operating managers.
Yes Vena has been very responsive. After implementation as issues arose or opportunities appeared they were great to work with. Just negotiate your programmer hourly rate upfront in your contracts.
We are able to deploy what appears to be customized reports to all levels of the organization. I can publish faster and more efficiently.
Vena was the best fit for our needs: where we wanted to go, how to best fit our user base, and was the best value proposition for us.
Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
Vena is great to deploy one version of data and is customized to individual users using a standard template. Financial results, collecting budget data, forecasts, and notes for variance analysis from operational managers. It has been a great tool for my company. We keep improving our products to the customers of financial reporting. Users love the functionality.

Vena Feature Ratings

Long-term financial planning
Financial budgeting
Scenario modeling
Management reporting
Financial data consolidation
Journal entries and reports
Not Rated
Multi-currency management
Not Rated
Intercompany Eliminations
Not Rated
Minority Ownership
Not Rated
Local and consolidated reporting
Not Rated
Detailed Audit Trails
Financial Statement Reporting
Management Reporting
Excel-based Reporting
Automated board and financial reporting
XBRL support for regulatory filing
Not Rated
Personalized dashboards
Color-coded scorecards
Cost and profitability analysis
Key Performance Indicator setting
Benchmarking with external data
Flat file integration
Excel data integration
Direct links to 3rd-party data sources
Pixel Perfect reports
Not Rated
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Not Rated
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Report Delivery Scheduling
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Single Sign-On (SSO)

Vena Solutions Attributes

They are quick to respond and allow users to self prioritize to help route questions to appropriate levels. They resolve or get me to the right person very quickly.
My users just see Excel, but as the admin I can do a lot to make my life easier. Templates, permissions, aggregations. If you are good with Excel Vena is awesome.

Using Vena

109 - Admins, operations managers, directors and accountants.
2 - Strong Excel. Once you get the hang of mapping out blocks and page sections ~ similar to a pivot table - you can setup Vena templates. Then it is just time to setup users, permissions and get used to the flow of uploading new data to Vena and training users.
  • Financial Reporting and forecasting by operational unit
  • Annual Budget
  • Variance Analysis
  • Unique KPIs in our Financials that normally would not flow into our P&L's
  • Financial reporting training
  • internal non-financial reporting HR metrics
It saves me so much time - to go back I would have to hire multiple people to achieve the same results. It is a cost effective tool for our uses and continues to pay for itself in time savings.

Evaluating Vena and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Usability
We had to cater to a large diverse user base that does not live in Excel every day. We need to be able to give the user everything they needed, have flexibility for power users, lock down templates for safety and permissions issues and then deploy across multiple locations without version controll issues.
We would have been more flexible in modelling templates to be more generic and less specifically the exact look and feel users were used to previously.

Vena Implementation

set incremental specific goals and outline the entire process. Celebrate milestones and revisit the roadmap to adjust as needed.
Change management was a big part of the implementation and was well-handled - We should have given ourselves more time to fully implement, troubleshoot and test. We converted our Annual budget process for the entire company in 6 weeks.
  • lack of additional internal man hours set aside

Vena Training

  • Online Training
  • In-Person Training
The original training was onsite and over two weeks. Since our original onboarding the company has come out with a training website to aid in user self directed needs.
Online modules have been expanded, is searchable and is very helpful. There are numerous videos and modules to further develop user skillsets.

Configuring Vena

The software seemed very configurable for user permissions, users groups, workflow processes and template designs. There has been a lot of progress to aid in integrations with other third party data holders.
We configured our Vena Templates to mirror much of the form and function of basic excel templates our users were used to pre-vena. This allowed for quick user adoption, once we got the Excel Addin installed on all machines. User Adoption was key to change management.
No - we have not done any customization to the interface
Some - we have added small pieces of custom code - Pre-vena we had extensive VBA coded spreadsheets to enable user input and view toggles. Additional macros were present to provide drill down to next level data and automatic routing of question to appropriate subject matter experts.
We still utilize our macro drill down to pull data hidden in Staging query tables and then format and present the "Drill Down" information in a more effective manner. The existing Vena Drill down brings back the data in rough database extracted format that can take time to orient to the information.

Vena Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
During prime time a template needed an update/redesign due to new needs not previously considered. Support was able to connect to the appropriate level programmer and we hashed out the redesign the same day. It was great.

Using Vena

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Native Excel
  • aggregation level reporting
  • template design
  • live data connections without additional costs

Vena Reliability

We onboarded the entire company in a very short time frame to complete the full company budget cycle the first year out of the gate. Now we are looking to add more data and the ETL tool makes it easy to backload data into the cube as if was always there. Vena has been very scalable for our needs.
There have been very few outages, as outages have occurred there has been prompt notification and resolution of the matter. In the past 3 years there has been very minimal if any downtime.
Templates pull down quickly for the amount of data provided. Our templates include 2 to 3 years of back history data and the files populate in under a minute with lots of granular details.

Integrating Vena

The integrations and data feeds have been managed with minimal training up front. We have not needed to involve our IT department and that allows Accounting to manage the process on our terms and priority.
  • Sage
Sage is supported and we will be exploring an integrated dataflow
  • File import/export
  • ETL tools
Like any other Cloud based client, if you have numerous office sites that will be accessing the cloud, take stock of equipment, software and internet stability. Managing the install the excel addin on all machines was a pain point. Managing different versions of Excel can create gaps in well formed current templates. Plan and prepare for the change management. Establish superusers and create change advocates to help manage the transition. When converting current templates into Vena Templates, leverage Vena advice on best practices on how to layout a template or dimensions.

Relationship with Vena Solutions

The were very responsive to our use case and their pricing structure and we came to a happy middle ground for both parties. We were very considerate to be referral or showcase clients. It is a beneficial partnership.
They have been growing rapidly so we have lost our implementation programmer to promotions and changed our customer success manager 3 times over 6 years. But that is the job market today and part of a fast growing company. As a result when we decide to contract out product development to Vena programmers they are unfamiliar with our templates and additional billable time is spent reacclimating programmers to our setups.
a reduced rate per user by class of user over a longer term than usual. We wanted the arrangement to be a long term partnership.


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