VanillaSoft - love the product, love the company
Updated February 13, 2020

VanillaSoft - love the product, love the company

Valie Robbins | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with VanillaSoft

We have used VanillaSoft across the entire organization for ten years. It enables us to hire the best employees; monitor marketing campaigns in real time; address marketing issues; and give invaluable feedback to our clients, which enables them to continuously improve campaigns and/or address problems that arise. These campaigns are typically customer events - lunch 'n learns, trade-shows, webinars, meet and greet, and training sessions, to name a few for high tech companies. These campaigns are typically performed in conjunction with an account based marketing approach. Prospects are very targeted upper-level decision makers. VanillaSoft allows us to reach these prospects in a very targeted manner. By using VanillaSoft we achieve a higher level of customer response, which translates to more customer engagement, which in turn generates more sales.
We have found that the ability of VanillaSoft to send a personalized e-mail just before making a personalized phone call gives us a distinctive edge over other telemarketing firms. We get comparable results by leaving a personalized voice message as talking with a live person. These messages drive people to open/review the e-mails which otherwise would save languished in the IN box of a prospect.


  • Our employees love it - very user friendly, easy to grasp, very little down time to learn it. They feel very confident immediately.
  • Great technical support - I can get solutions to customer problems that make our company look more responsive to our clients. Our clients appreciate our solving their problems immediately.
  • Because of the real time analytics - we can address immediate issues with marketing campaigns to make our client's personnel look great to their superiors.
  • Because of all the functionality - we can provide a turnkey approach from a small company with big company capabilities.


  • Would love to see a mobile app - so that I can monitor ongoing campaigns on the go. Periodically questions arise that need my immediate attention - would be nice to pull up the dash board to see what is going on real time from my phone.
  • Been very positive - given us the capability to compete with larger firms by offering the similar functionality at a competitive price.
  • Allows us to give great feedback to our clients, which in turn allows us to make recommendations or changes real time to impact the success of their sales and marketing campaigns.
  • Clients love having the personal responsiveness they get from a smaller firm at a competitive price, versus a larger firm. Feel like we are always working to make them more successful.
Honestly we haven't looked or reviewed any of VanillaSoft's competitors - we have been so pleased with our overall relationship with them. Even though we are a small company - they always have made us feel like we matter and been very responsive to any issues with customers that we have brought to them. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with VanillaSoft - we have always felt they valued our business and have gone over above to ensure that issues were resolved so that we could add continued value to our clients. This has allowed us to expand our business with existing customers and get additional business from recommendations from with clients!

Do you think VanillaSoft delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with VanillaSoft's feature set?


Did VanillaSoft live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of VanillaSoft go as expected?


Would you buy VanillaSoft again?


It is great for a small company like mine because it's allows for easy scalability - very easy to do. Allows ease of hiring just the number of people that we need from all over the country, so we get the very best at the least cost. We've actually used it to hire internationally - again we can watch the results and address issues immediately - give immediate coaching to improve our results for our clients.
I love the ability to watch calling campaigns as they unfold. Sometimes there are issues that arise which need immediate attention from both my client and myself. Our clients love that we can give detailed feedback to correct a situation or address an issue. Clients are impressed at the level of support we provide to ensure their overall successful campaigns!

VanillaSoft Feature Ratings

Using VanillaSoft

3 - Telemarketers
  • Provide telemarketing support for our client's sales and marketing teams
  • Drive registrations to customer events such as webinars, trade shows or customer events
  • Identify market segments that sales/marketing teams need to drill down on
  • Give feedback regarding why or why not prospects are responding to marketing
Love the product, love the company, great support team, good price

VanillaSoft Implementation

Worked with VanillaSoft personnel, who walked us through it. Very responsive - loved working with them! Great team!
Change management was minimal
  • Just understanding the full capabilities of VanillaSoft

VanillaSoft Training

  • in-person training
Website easy to use, questions were answered easily and quickly either by e-mail or phone call.

VanillaSoft Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - We have paid for additional support - it was worth every penny. Truly helped our client and cemented our client relationship as a vendor who could be trusted and valued our relationship with our client. Enhanced our services as we able to continue to solve our client's problems which they appreciated from a small company! Impressed with our capabilities!
Yes - About eight years ago we had problem with loading large e-mails - developed a work around with the VanillaSoft team for that particular project. The VanillaSoft team then addressed the problem so that we could utilize larger e-mails - never again had the problem - can send any size e-mail!
The VanillaSoft team has provided exceptional support numerous times - always ready to help! One time we had issues with an e-mail our client develop - the VanillaSoft team redid the e-mail so that it could be delivered looking professional to get the results our client was trying to achieve and literally saved the campaign! Another time - the e-mail that the client wanted to send was too large to be loaded so working with the VanillaSoft team helped us create a work around to save the campaign and then addressed the situation so that it was resolved permanently.

Using VanillaSoft

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Dashboard - easy to use - see at a glance what is going on with my team and drill down for more details
  • Telemarketers love the simplicity, easy to get up to speed and feel very confident in using it
We used it for over ten years - never an issue - very easy to use. Our clients love it!

VanillaSoft Reliability

Easy to add and train personal to use VanillaSoft. Can walk new people through set up or view issues on-line to address telemarketer questions
Had a couple of times when system was down, but was always made to feel they were working on addressing it and cared about my inconvenience.
Very robust, easy to set up, can see issues immediately, answer telemarketers questions about system or suggestions, as well as address client's questions about a campaign immediately.

Relationship with VanillaSoft

Gave us a complimentary 30 day trial period to try product! No pressure at all!
All questions or issues addressed very quickly and to our satisfaction!
We just used their standard terms


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