Unitrends, the choice for DR
July 25, 2016

Unitrends, the choice for DR

Anita Simoni | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

Unitrends is used to backup data on premise and replicate to the cloud. I am the IT person for BioNex Solutions, so I spec'd it, implemented it and I manage the day to day operations of the back up jobs, archiving and replication to the cloud. Implementing Unitrends appliances and backups addresses numerous critical business functions such as real-time backups, historical archiving, off site DR and ISO compliance with the fantastic reporting capabilities.


  • Unitrends is an easy to use, robust, web based application and appliance. It is easy to install, easy to set up and replicates backups to the cloud.
  • Unitrends has a user friendly interface that even junior staff can use with minimal training for restores.
  • Unitrends has fantastic reporting capabilities that can be used for critical things such as ISO auditing.


  • I don't feel that Unitrends needs much improvement. The only complaint I have is that for a site to site replication, you need 3 masters initially in order to start the de-dup process for the rest of the data. I know there was talk of engineering re-architecting that piece so that one master (like replicating to the cloud) is sufficient. I currently don't replicate site to site at BioNex, but I have used this feature with Unitrends at a different company where I also implemented multiple Unitrends appliances
  • We have (luckily) only had to restore single files at this point. Since I am not on-site 5 days a week, the Unitrends appliance is easy to use for my engineering team when they need to recover a file and can't wait for me to do it.

We were running backups via Windows Server and via Western Digital and via Backup Exec.

Windows Server Backups is functional, but not easy to use for others not in IT when files need to be recovered. Plus it requires storage (we used USB drives) which need to be rotated, cataloged, taken off site etc.) and its not encrypted and it can be slow when backing up to USB.

Western Digital is a safety extra backup net, so we only keep it for double security - but similar issues as Windows Server backups.

Back up Exec is temperamental (at best). Jobs run sometimes, don't run other times, fail, hang, crash, never finish etc...It is a very management intensive system and requires hours a day of oversight.

Unitrends is robust, has encryption, built in storage, external archiving capabilities, cloud replication...you name it! It covers all the basics you need for DR.

I think Unitrends is well suited for almost everyone. The only issue is the price point for a small company. Being in a small (under 60) company, we are very budget conscious and even though Unitrends is a great value as far as the technology, hardware, software and support is concerned, it's hard to come up with 5-10K when that's more than your entire yearly I.T. budget.

Unitrends Feature Ratings

Universal recovery
Instant recovery
Recovery verification
Business application protection
Multiple backup destinations
Incremental backup identification
Backup to the cloud
Deduplication and file compression
Not Rated

Using Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

2 - I use Unitrends and my boss (head of engineering) will use Unitrends to recover files when it is an emergency and I am not in the office. Unitrends is user friendly and you don't need to be a backup wiz to be able to run a recovery and get a file when needed.
1 - Honestly, you could have your help desk/service desk staff support this appliance. You don't need to be a technical genius to implement the appliance, create the jobs and run the reports. With a little guidance from the business, anyone can get the product implemented to make sure they are protecting their data.
  • Backups
  • DR to the cloud
  • Reporting for ISO audits
I am 100% likely to renew my Unitrends support and keep my appliance. I don't see any products that have come close to being able to do the on-prem and cloud backups with the ease of Unitrends. This is a great tool and I can't imagine someone wanting to implement anything else.

Evaluating Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance and Competitors

Yes - We chose Unitrends to replace our Backup Exec system. Backup Exec is a cumbersome, slow product that takes hours of management. I was spending close to 4 hours per day managing Backup Exec. With Unitrends, [I spent] no more than 1 hour a day and that was only when there was a failure.
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Prior Experience with the Product
Product features and usability. I have implemented Unitrends for two different companies now, and I plan on implementing it at my current company.
The key is to be realistic about your data size. Don't let your management push you into a corner and say you don't need a big appliance if you do actually need a big appliance. If you under spec then you wont be able to do site to site replication easily, you will be forced to doing some sort of archiving with off-site manual rotation. Its better to be realistic, invest the money up front for either the correct appliance size OR the cloud product.

Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance Support

Until dealing with Unitrends support, I have NEVER in 25 years of IT, dealt with technical staff that can actually SOLVE your problem the first time!! It's incredible if you ask me! The technical staff at Unitrends is by far the best!
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - yes, we had a problem with the database and they were able to escalate the ticket and get an engineer that did a database rebuild and upgrade and solved the issue.
To be perfectly honest....there has never been a time that Unitrends' technical support hasn't provided me with exceptional support. I am always blown away at their professionalism and technical capabilities. Every time I have filed a ticket with them, they have provided me with exceptional support.

Using Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

I have never used such an easy product that is stable and scalable like Unitrends. I have been running backups for MANY years. On premise, tape, disk, cloud, you name it. Unitrends is very flexible, stable and has incredible reporting features. It's nice when management requests a report and it takes you 5 minutes to run it and dump it to PDF. How can you beat that?
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Web based so you can run it in any browser
  • The web app is easy to navigate, implement backups and review status on job history
  • Email notifications on success and failures
  • Nothing is difficult
  • Nothing is cumbersome
  • I couldn't recommend anything to make this better except make it free :-)


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