User-friendly, team-friendly
June 07, 2018

User-friendly, team-friendly

Erin Holm | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Typeform

We utilize Typeform for surveys within our organization. We have large-scale surveys, such as our bi-annual career satisfaction survey, that are sent out via Typeform. We also use it for small-scale information gathering, such as sign ups for events. We do have some departments that use it individually, but for the most part, we are using it to gather information from the entire organization. It's a very user-friendly tool. We have several people within the organization that use it, and new users have been brought up to speed easily. The customization tools make it easy to personalize.


  • Survey options - there are different question options you can use, even within the same survey. When sending out large surveys with varying types of questions, it's convenient to have different options for those taking the surveys.
  • Results - after you've completed the survey, your results are easy to download and analyze. Have the data ready to go with a Excel file is much more convenient than other survey sites we've utilized.
  • Sharing - surveys are provided with an easy-to-use link. This makes sharing quick and easy.
  • User-friendly - interface is easy to utilize. Very little training is required to use the tool effectively.
  • Customizable - although some areas could improve, it is helpful there are different types of questions you can use, pictures can be uploaded, etc.
  • In addition to convenient data, Typeform also keeps track of visits/who has completed the survey. If you're sending out mandatory notices to your team, and need to keep track of who has visited, Typeform makes this easy.


  • There's definitely room for improvement on the customization side. Unless you know the ins and outs of the program, the surveys can be a bit plain.
  • Creating anything beyond the question options given can be difficult. Adding variables and questions leading to other questions can be difficult. If your questions are straightforward and answers don't change the possibility of the next question, you shouldn't have much trouble.
  • Surveys only allow for 10 questions per survey, unless you upgrade to the Pro version. I understand there's a need to make money, but for what we use the platform for, an upgrade wouldn't be necessary. It would be nice if you could ask more questions, but perhaps not utilize certain features if you're still on the basic plan.
  • Typeform has made it easy for us to send out our bi-annual career satisfaction survey. This is a big part of our organizations values, and allows our leadership team to receive open and honest feedback from our employees. The confidentiality and easy of use Typeform provides has helped our organization tremendously.
Overall, Typeform is a great option if you're looking to send out mass surveys to your team. Here are some specific scenarios where we've used the program:
- Career Satisfaction Survey to entire team (75+) - 2x year
- Questions surrounding the yearly holiday party - once a year
- Surveys around changes within the organization (as needed)

In any of these situations, we've found Typeform to be user-friendly, and easy for our teams to complete. Also, those involved in the creation of the surveys have had an easy time putting them together. Even with a few improvements that could be made, it's still a great tool.

Typeform Feature Ratings

Survey templates
Custom logo/branding
Changes to live survey
Question design help
Multiple question types
Survey logic flexibility
Response tracking
Data export
Standard reports
Custom reports
Not Rated
Vendor-offered crowdsourcing
Respondent restrictions
Access controls


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